Submissions from 2014
(Presentation) Making the World a Wilder Place: The World Wilderness Congress and Public Perceptions of Antarctic Wilderness, Molly C. Kelly, Kathy Larrea, Stephanie J. Pinkalla, and Jessica O'Reilly
(Presentation) What Can Christian Ethics Learn From Evolutionary Examinations of Altruism?, Stephen Pope
(Presentation) Access & Excellence, Past, Present, & Future: The Inspirational Legacy of Martin Luther King as a Challenge for Educators Today, Lisa Flores
(Presentation) Benedicta Arts Center at 50: A History, Peggy L. Roske
(Presentation) Fires at St. John's, Peggy L. Roske
(Presentation) Lake Sagatagan's Pickerel Point Bridges, Peggy L. Roske
(Presentation) Observatory Hill (SJP site), Peggy L. Roske
(Presentation) Saint Benedict's 50 Years Ago: 1964-1965, Peggy L. Roske
(Presentation) Saint Benedict's Master Plans (1960s-1990s), Peggy L. Roske
(Presentation) Saint Benedict's Teresa Hall at 100, Peggy L. Roske
(Presentation) Twins at Saint John's, Peggy L. Roske
(Presentation) United Way Promotion on the Campuses, Peggy L. Roske
Submissions from 2013
(Presentation) A Year End Look at the Economy, Louis D. Johnston, Gary Eichten, and Chris Farrell
(Presentation) Politics & a Pint: The Farm Bill, Parker Wheatley
(Presentation) Agent Based Modelling Across the Curriculum, Jennifer Galovich
(Presentation) Sacrosanctum Concilium, Ecumenical Dialogue, and Engagement with the World, Massimo Faggioli
(Presentation) Homo Religiosus: Does Spirituality Have a Place in Neo-Aristotelian Virtue Ethics?, David McPherson
(Presentation) The Deep South: Beauty, Brutality, and the Mystery of a Great Paradox, Barb Matz
(Presentation) The Brazilian Turnaround: A Serious Country at Last, Al Montero
(Presentation) Pope Francis and the Jewish People: From Catholic-Jewish Relations in Argentina to Catholic-Jewish Relations around the World, Mordechai Levin
(Presentation) From the Dark Ages to Cold War Europe, from Ethiopia to the Middle East and India, and on to Timbuktu: How Benedictines Can't Stop Preserving Endangered Manuscripts, Columba Stewart OSB
(Presentation) Night Gliders: Nocturnal Denizens of Saint John's Abbey Arboretum, Kristina Timmerman
(Presentation) The Integration of Spirituality and Sexuality on Today's College Campus, Jennifer Beste
(Presentation) First Body(ies): Photographs of CSB/SJU made from egg, clay and ash, Scott K. Murphy and Sienna Kuhn
(Presentation) Keeping the 'Catholic' in Catholic Higher Education: Strategies for Church and Academy, William C. Graham and William Cahoy
(Presentation) Discover Your Future, Alicia Petus and Mark Mortrude
(Presentation) Using open datasets and simulations in laboratories, Jim Crumley
(Presentation) Brewing History & The Local Craft Beer Movement, Jeannie Kenevan
(Presentation) The Science and Psychology of Survival, Thomas Kroll
(Presentation) The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Past, Present, and Future of CSB/SJU Alcohol and Other Drug Use and Misuse, Lori Klapperich
(Presentation) Community Reading, Mara Faulkner OSB, Karen L. Erickson, Lawrence Schug, Bob Thimmesh, Betsy Johnson-Miller, Rachel Marston, and Mary Willette Hughes
(Presentation) Modeling the Tryptophan Operon in E.coli, Jennifer Galovich
(Presentation) Biomimicry: Nature Inspired Innovation, Jakki Mohr
(Presentation) The Art of Improvisation: Music and Spirituality, Robert Koopmann OSB
(Presentation) Sustainability and Sports: Lecture & Panel, Jonathan Casper, Derek R. Larson, Tom Stock, Carol Howe-Veenstra, and Brad Sinn
(Presentation) Reclaiming Our Democracy: Challenging Global Poverty and Climate Change through Civic Action, Sam Daley-Harris
(Presentation) Supporting Student Development and Academic Success: CSB's Residential Life Learning Plan, Shelby Wentworth
(Presentation) Married Saints? Come to Know Georges & Pauline Vanier, Mary Frances Coady
(Presentation) Images and Observations From My Time in Pakistan, Brian Jose
(Presentation) Designing a Church for Saint John's in the Mid-20th Century: What the Architect and the Monks Had in Mind, David Paul Lange OSB
(Presentation) Hank Greenberg: Baseball Star, Jewish Hero, American Legend, John Rosengren and David Wirtschafter
(Presentation) Woman Up: How Feminist Theory Can Strengthen Economics, Nancy Folbre
(Presentation) Anglican Choral Music in a New Elizabethan Age: Herbert Howells and Distances, John-Bede Pauley OSB
(Presentation) Fixing a Broken System in Washington: Opportunities and Warnings, John Keller
(Presentation) The Politics of Judicial Supremacy, Seth W. Greenfest
(Presentation) Conscience and Courage in Public Life - The 7th Annual Eugene J. McCarthy Lecture, Cokie Roberts
(Presentation) Minnesota Lakes: Past, Present & Future, William Lamberts
(Presentation) Dark Night of the Soul, Jenell Paris and Janel Bakker
(Presentation) Science Education in the Field: Flying Squirrel Population Sampling, Kristina Timmerman
(Presentation) Forgiveness in the Service of Justice, Margaret Farley
(Presentation) What's a Winter Greenhouse? A look inside the student-run Full Circle Greenhouse, Connor Klausing and Stephanie Pinkalla
(Presentation) SJU Convocation 2013, Karen L. Erickson
(Presentation) CSB Convocation 2013, Chris Schaller
(Presentation) SJU Class of 2013 Commencement Celebration, John Klassen OSB, Michael Hemesath, John Loonan, Dennis Dease, Rita Knuesel, William John Cahoy, and Joseph R. DesJardins
(Presentation) CSB Class of 2013 Commencement Celebration, Rita Knuesel, Sharon Nohner OSB, MaryAnn Baenninger, Lynn Newman, Deniese DeVaan, Alivia Tison, Joseph R. DesJardins, Michaela Hedican OSB, and Judy Zimmer
(Presentation) Telling CSB's story: Preparing for the centennial year, Peggy L. Roske, Liz Knuth, Meg Flannery, and Megan Girgen
(Presentation) Integrating Your Inner Reptile, Benjamin Faber
(Presentation) Peer Mediation in United States High Schools, Alexander Celeste and Patrick Buller
(Presentation) The Effect of Positive and Negative Pictures on the Processing of Emotion-Related Words, Tricia K. Engen
(Presentation) As You Celebrate, So You Live: A Liturgical Approach on Christian Ethics, Paulachan Kochappilly CMI
(Presentation) Gender Differences in Decision Making When Faced with Multiple Options, Kallie R. Reiter
(Presentation) Blood of Mine, Blood of All: The Poetic Conception of Ciudad Juarez, a Mexican Border City, Juan Armando Rojas Joo
(Presentation) How Could a Good God Create Nature Red in Tooth and Claw? (Evolution, God, and Evil), Christopher Southgate
(Presentation) 2013 SJU State of the University, Michael Hemesath
(Presentation) A Conversation with James Fallows, James Fallows and Gary Eichten
(Presentation) 2013 CSB State of the College, MaryAnn Baenninger
(Presentation) Dual Belonging: Why Can't I Be Both Presbyterian and Catholic?, Sally McGill
(Presentation) Spiritual Effects of Clergy Sexual Abuse of Women in the Roman Catholic Church, Barbara R. McLaughlin
(Presentation) All Together Now? Catholic Unity and the Liturgy, Rita Ferrone
(Presentation) Benedictine Heritage Tour Panel Discussion April 8, 2013, Mark Thamert
(Presentation) Liturgy and Social Justice: Fresh Challenges for Today in Virgil Michel's Legacy, Rita Ferrone
(Presentation) Is God Going to Save Us from the Ecological Mess We're In? An Introduction to Eco-Theology, Dan Brunner
(Presentation) Students' Beliefs about Learning and Knowledge, Robert Kachelski
(Presentation) The History of Christianity in Iraq/Mesopotamia: Yesterday and Today, Najeeb Michaeel OP
(Presentation) Peacebuilding in Kenya, William Kiptoo
(Presentation) The U.S. Economy and "The Faithful Budget", Simone Campbell SSS
(Presentation) Laity in the Life of the Church, Victor J. Klimoski
(Presentation) In Quest of the Common Good, Jean Keller
(Presentation) Social Movements and Catholic Social Thought, John Coleman SJ
(Presentation) Violence and Peace Movements in Latin America, Karina Ansolabehere
(Presentation) The Native Hawaiian Songs in The Descendants: A Critique, Jeffrey J. Kamakahi
(Presentation) Benedictine Institute & McCarthy Center "Lunch and Learn", Matthew Lindstrom, Gary Eichten, and Gloria Hardy
(Presentation) Teaching the Entrepreneur in your classroom, Terri Barreiro
(Presentation) From Enemy to Friend: Jewish Reflections on Everyday Peacemaking, Amy Eilberg
(Presentation) Is pornography immoral?, Robert Jensen PhD
(Presentation) Designing a Cathedral in a Time of Liturgical Transition, Chase M. Becker
(Presentation) Fr. Michael Patella, OSB - Witness, Michael Patella OSB and Thomas Rosica CSB
(Presentation) Lunch & Learn - The Rule of Saint Benedict, Margaret Michaud OSB
(Presentation) Where is Ecumenism Today? How is it Expressed?, Don Ottenhoff
(Presentation) Iran, Hizbullah, Shiite seminary education, and interreligious dialogue: Reflections on some contemporary religious and political currents in Beirut, Lebanon, Jon Armajani
(Presentation) Renaissance Lecture, Colette S. Peters
(Presentation) Assessing Students' Research Methods: What Can We Learn?, Sarah Gewirtz, Jim Parsons, and Miranda Novak
(Presentation) A Babel of Languages in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Stephen Reed
(Presentation) Benedictine Heritage (Tour) Namesakes at St. Ben's & St. John's, Peggy L. Roske
(Presentation) Blood Drives on Campus, Peggy L. Roske
(Presentation) Commercial School at St. John's: The Case for the Liberal Arts, Peggy L. Roske
(Presentation) Idzerda: CSB's 8th President, Peggy L. Roske
(Presentation) Residential Life at St. Ben's in the Early Years, Peggy L. Roske
(Presentation) Saint Ben's Statues, Peggy L. Roske
(Presentation) Saint John's Abbey Woodworking, Peggy L. Roske