Forum Lectures
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Past, Present, and Future of CSB/SJU Alcohol and Other Drug Use and Misuse
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Every three years HWC conducts a survey focused on the alcohol and other drug (AOD) use of CSB/SJU students. The most recent survey was conducted in Spring 2013. This Thursday Forum focuses on the results of this most recent survey including: current AOD data, comparison to past AOD Survey data, comparison to national data, and prescription drug misuse at CSB/SJU.
Following the presentation of these data, we facilitated a discussion of implications in the classroom, in the community, in the residence halls, as well as factors that contribute (positively or negatively) to the CSB/SJU AOD culture.
Recommended Citation
Klapperich, Lori, "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Past, Present, and Future of CSB/SJU Alcohol and Other Drug Use and Misuse" (2013). Forum Lectures. 89.
The slides for this presentation are not available.