"The Eucharistic prayers (anaphoras) attributed to Philoxenos of Mabbug" by Roger-Youssef Akhrass

HMML Lectures

The Eucharistic prayers (anaphoras) attributed to Philoxenos of Mabbug (†523) in the light of his theology of Eucharist

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Fr. Roger's lecture includes an overview of the edition of the three anaphoras attributed to Saint Philoxenos, bishop of Mabbug, which he undertook in the context of his work on the Syriac manuscripts at HMML. He shows how our knowledge of the Eucharistic theology of Philoxenos can determine the authorship of these Eucharistic prayers. Then he discusses in more detail some aspects of his Eucharistic theology, namely: Eucharist as Mystery, the efficacy of the matter and the role of faith, the real presence of Christ in Eucharist, the Eucharistic "becoming," the epiclesis and the effects of the Eucharist.

Originally from Lebanon, Fr. Roger is visiting from Paris, France, where he received his PhD in Patristics from the Institut Catholique.

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