Lectures and Events | College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University


Submissions from 2012


(Presentation) Saint Benedict's Buildings, Part 1, Peggy L. Roske


(Presentation) Saint Benedict's Buildings, Part 2, Peggy L. Roske


(Presentation) Saint Benedict's Buildings, Part 3, Peggy L. Roske


(Presentation) Saint John's 13th President, Michael Hemesath, Peggy L. Roske


(Presentation) Saint John's First Abbot, Rupert Seidenbusch, Peggy L. Roske


(Presentation) Saint John's First Abbot's 1866 Election, Peggy L. Roske


(Presentation) Saint John's Lands & Wetlands: Historical Highlights, Peggy L. Roske


(Presentation) Saint John's Prep Headmasters, Part 1, Peggy L. Roske


(Presentation) Saint John's "Rat" - Johnny Rat History, Part 1, Peggy L. Roske


(Presentation) Building the Saint John's Abbey Church, Saint John's University, Collegeville, MN, Hilary Thimmesh OSB, Harold Magy, and Amdrew Goltz O.S.B.

Submissions from 2011

(Presentation) CSB at 50 -- A New World of More Possibilities, Annette Atkins

(Presentation) Trans-Atlantic Literature and Commodity Culture, Stephen W. Thomas


(Presentation) Got Acedia? Who Cares? A panel discussion of Kathleen Norris' book Acedia & me : a marriage, monks, and a writer's life, Kathleen Norris, Paul-Vincent Niebauer OSB, and Josue Behnen OSB

(Presentation) Song Writing and Critical Theory, Michael Opitz


(Presentation) Catholic Pirates: A Revisionist Look at the Hospitallers of Rhodes and Malta, Theresa Vann

(Presentation) Exploring the souvenir as a means of materializing experience," collaboration as a model for teaching and learning, Elaine Rutherford, Chloe Briggs, Steven Lemke, and Nate Burbeck


(Presentation) Running with Expanding Heart: Meeting God in Everyday Life, Mary Reuter OSB

(Presentation) Tristram Shandy Unbound: Book Arts and Literary Studies, Cynthia N. Malone


(Presentation) Successful Assessment Leadership: Helping Senior Campus Administrators Help Faculty, Philip I. Kramer, Rita Knuesel, and Kenneth M. Jones

(Presentation) A Catholic Worker House in St. Joseph, MN, Eunice Antony OSB, Kevin LaNave, Corein Brown, Craig Robert Gould, and Joseph Mulhbauer


(Presentation) A Tale of Two (or Possibly Three?) Libraries: Monastic Libraries on the Edge of the Prairie, Matthew Heintzelman

(Presentation) 'The Fatal Effects of Parental Tyranny' and Other Fantasies of Daughter/Father Relationships, 1780-1840, Martha Tomhave Blauvelt


(Presentation) Click or Poll Your Way to an Interactive Library Instruction, Sarah Gewirtz


(Presentation) The Bible and Science as Allies Against the New Atheism, Vincent Smiles

(Presentation) Acts of God and Acts of Nature, Richard Bohannon

(Presentation) The 63rd Japan America Student Conference: Understanding the Globalizing World and Comprehensive Security, Courtney Kimball and Kunihiro Shimoji


(Presentation) ILCP: Enhancing Your Students' Authentic Leadership Potential through Building Emotional Intelligence, Maribeth Overland

(Presentation) Social, Institutional, and Behavioral Explanations of Consumption and Borrowing of Low-Income Households: Theory and Policy Remedies, Parker Wheatley

(Presentation) Measuring the Sublime - Advances in the Assessment of Philosophical Dispositions, Charles W. Wright


(Presentation) SJU Convocation 2011, J. Scott Johnson


(Presentation) CSB Convocation 2011, Stephen P. Stelzner


(Presentation) An Overview of the Human Rights Movement in Kenya, Ron Pagnucco, Chris Hausmann, Maizua Moua, Jocelyn Norman, Kristina Seslija, and Lindsey Wilson


(Presentation) SJU Class of 2011 Commencement Celebration, John Klassen OSB, Robert Koopmann OSB, Thomas Loonan, Bill Kling, John Grim, Rita Knuesel, William John Cahoy, and Joseph R. DesJardins


(Presentation) CSB Class of 2011 Commencement Celebration, Rita Knuesel, Jessica Guentzel, MaryAnn Baenninger, Laura McGrane, Joseph R. DesJardins, Emily Bina, Beth Dinndorf, Judy Zimmer, Nancy Bauer OSB, and Jessica Guentzel

(Presentation) Metacognitive skills: Practice makes perfect?, Julie Strelow

(Presentation) The future is now - CSB/SJU's summer pilot study of online education, Mary Jepperson, Michelle Li-Kuehne, and Ernest Diedrich

(Presentation) Authority and taxonomies of age in King Lear, Matthew Harkins

(Presentation) How (not) to open a book, Rachel Melis


(Presentation) How the New Media are Affecting us and Our Politics, Richard Ice and Kathleen Jamieson

(Presentation) Mindfulness for educators, Linda R. Tennison, Michael Livingston, Annette Atkins, and Patsy Murphy

(Presentation) A Call Not Just a Career: Business in the Catholic Social Tradition, Michael Naughton

(Presentation) Politics and Caribbean women in the 21st century, Danae O'Brien

(Presentation) Sustainability and comedy: The Bourgeois Gentleman by Moliere, Kaarin S. Johnston

(Presentation) Finding her VOICE: Powerful and transformative stories from Sisters of the Monastery, Julie Phillips, Christian Morris OSB, and Lucinda Mareck OSB

(Presentation) A world of possibility: CSB at 100, Part 1, Annette Atkins

(Presentation) How special was World War II's 'Greatest Generation'?, Kenneth M. Jones

(Presentation) Geng village's storytelling tradition: Preserving China's intangible cultural heritage, Zhihui Sophia Geng, Taylor Peterson, Shazreh Ahmed, Katlynn Nelson, Abbie Helminen, and Philip Whitcomb


(Presentation) The Religious Roots of Modern Economics: Historical Origins and Contemporary Consequences, Benjamin M. Friedman


(Presentation) Jon Hassler's Midwestern Catholic Voice, Nicholas Hayes


(Presentation) Collegeville Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research, Peggy L. Roske


(Presentation) Employee Benefits History, Peggy L. Roske


(Presentation) Prep's World, Peggy L. Roske


(Presentation) Saint John's - 75 year ago (1936), Peggy L. Roske


(Presentation) Saint John's First "Bible Project", Peggy L. Roske


(Presentation) Student Organizations at CSB - 50 Years Ago, Peggy L. Roske


(Presentation) Sustainability: Sustained for 150+ Years!, Peggy L. Roske

Submissions from 2010


(Presentation) An Attempt to Get and Keep Women Involved in Physics, Jim Crumley, Kristen Nairn, and Lynn Ziegler

(Presentation) Modernization and the destruction of culture in Vietnam: The case of women street vendors, Trang Pham

(Presentation) How to understand Ethiopia!, Steven Thomas

(Presentation) From Earth Day to an environmental studies major in 40 short years, Thom Woodward, Carmen Fernholz, and Jean Lavigne

(Presentation) God, love and masks: Two women having words, Jessica Harkins and Betsy Johnson-Miller

(Presentation) Why do I have to take the language requirement? How can I do well even if I am not good with languages?, Tania Gomez


(Presentation) Painting to Save the Soul of the City, Maureen H. O'Connell


(Presentation) SJU Convocation 2010, Brian Campbell


(Presentation) CSB Convocation 2010, Mary Jepperson


(Presentation) SJU Class of 2010 Commencement Celebration, John Klassen OSB, Robert Koopmann OSB, Matthew Beck, Edwin Leahy OSB, John Paul Lederach, Rita Knuesel, William John Cahoy, and Joseph R. DesJardins


(Presentation) CSB Class of 2010 Commencement Celebration, Rita Knuesel, MaryAnn Baenninger, Kathy Cooney, Elizabeth Alexander, Joseph R. DesJardins, Jessica Guentzel, Nancy Bauer OSB, and Ashley Ver Burg

(Presentation) About Vienna's multi-ethnical identity history and influence of national minorities, Adreas Raab

(Presentation) Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall: The painful space between shrugs and hugs in the collapse of GDR, Anna Lisa Ohm

(Presentation) Are marketers robbing kids of their childhood?, Rick Saucier

(Presentation) Have a great idea, but no money? The Student Philanthropy Fund can give it to you, Student Philanthropy

(Presentation) God, dogs and eco-spirituality: A dog sledding retreat experience, unknown

(Presentation) Religion and Conflict in Africa, Agbonkhianmeghe Orabator S.J.


(Presentation) Reconciling the Science and Economics of Climate Change, Eban Goodstein


(Presentation) Strengthening the Culture of Assessment through Faculty Development and Shared Governance, Philip I. Kramer and Rita Knuesel


(Presentation) Campus Health Centers, Peggy L. Roske


(Presentation) McCarthy's Days at SJU, Peggy L. Roske


(Presentation) Promoting St. John's: Ads from "Way Back When", Peggy L. Roske


(Presentation) Residential Life at St. John's in 1920, Peggy L. Roske


(Presentation) Saint John's First Science Hall, Peggy L. Roske

Submissions from 2009


(Presentation) The 2009 Benedictine Heritage Tour: Overview of the experience, Lisa M. Lindgren, Brian Jose, Doris Matter, Carol Johannes, and Peggy L. Roske

(Presentation) The crisis of journalism: Daunting challenge or perfect opportunity, Katie Johnson

(Presentation) John C. Calhoun's consensus model of government, Jim Read

(Presentation) Studying abroad: Myths and realities of funding and surviving your study abroad experience, Mark Sonkin


(Presentation) Creating student outcomes assessment and program review dashboards: Does stakeholder context matter?, Philip I. Kramer

(Presentation) Discovering our Benedictine roots, Katie Ebben, Marita Vivering, and Megan Sinner

(Presentation) A kind of heresy: Assessment of student learning in philosophy, Charles W. Wright

(Presentation) Feel good activities or de-escalating tensions?: Assessment of Tracking Two diplomacy in India-Pakistan relations, Manju Parikh

(Presentation) Behind the Pine Curtain in the rebellious 1960s: Student power, co-ed living, and free speech, Tom O'Connell, Joe Farry, and Kenneth M. Jones

(Presentation) Be peace, be joy, be hope: Mindfulness training with Thich Nhat Hanh, Kelly R. Kraemer


(Presentation) CSB Convocation 2009, Cynthia N. Malone


(Presentation) SJU Convocation 2009, Thomas Q. Sibley


(Presentation) SJU Class of 2009 Commencement Celebration, John Klassen OSB, Dan Whalen, Joe Kane, Sharon Daloz Parks, John Foley, Rita Knuesel, and Michael Patella OSB


(Presentation) CSB Class of 2009 Commencement Celebration, Rita Knuesel, MaryAnn Baenninger, Kathleen Cooney, Joseph R. DesJardins, Jessica Guentzel, Laura Kelly Lovdahl, Andrea Carrow, and Tony Reveles

(Presentation) Could robots have souls?, Michael Livingston and Noreen L. Herzfeld

(Presentation) The ethics of single mothers and Hawthorne’s Scarlet Letter, Steven W. Thomas

(Presentation) Consumer privacy: An oxymoron?, Lisa M. Lindgren


(Presentation) Improving teaching and learning through shared governance: Creating a culture of inquiry, collaboration, and collegiality, Philip I. Kramer and Rita Knuesel

(Presentation) So, does this mean that Michael Chartschenko will be remembered (again)? OR does a memorial dedicated at 11:00 AM on October 26, 2002 actually have its origin in events that took place at ca. 8:00 AM on May 4, 1945?, Gregory Schroeder

(Presentation) A greener future for CSB/SJU, Andrew Hatzenbihler and Michael Carr