Forum Lectures
A Catholic Worker House in St. Joseph, MN
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A Jean Donovan Catholic Worker House was opened in St. Cloud by CSB/SJU students in 1983. There is both renewed need and interest in fostering the three pillars of the CWH movement...a house of hospitality, shared community prayer and clarification of the local area. Since the summer of 2009, a group of interested folks have been gathering to re-establish a Catholic Worker community in the spirit of Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin. The Thursday forum will include information about the history and philosophy of Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker movement, a sharing of present and upcoming developments for a CWH in the St. Joseph area, opportunities for personal involvement for anyone interested in seeking hope and fostering community in the spirit of Dorothy Day, and a question/answer/discussion period. In the words of Dorothy Day, "The greatest challenge of the day is: how to bring about a revolution of the heart, a revolution which has to start with each one of us. - The final word is love."
Recommended Citation
Antony, Eunice OSB; LaNave, Kevin; Brown, Corein; Gould, Craig Robert; and Mulhbauer, Joseph, "A Catholic Worker House in St. Joseph, MN" (2011). Forum Lectures. 38.
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