Submissions from 2015
(Presentation) Assessing a Christian's response to the annihilating self-communication of the suicide bomber, C. A. Chase
(Presentation) The Time is Always Now: Upholding Legacies of Activism and Diversity Leadership in 21st Century America, Michael Benitez
(Presentation) Motivation in the learning environment: Zip line or Iron Maiden?, Susan Cogdill
(Presentation) “A very difficult time getting off the ground here”: HMML’s Path through Spanish Libraries (1973-1976), Matthew Heintzelman
(Presentation) Anniversaries in 2015-2016 for CSB and SJU, Peggy L. Roske
(Presentation) Benedictine Institute of Sacred Theology (BIST) and Mary Anthony Wagner, OSB, Peggy L. Roske
(Presentation) Bennie Identity Controversy, Peggy L. Roske
(Presentation) Building a College for Women: The Beginnings of St. Ben's, Peggy L. Roske
(Presentation) Disabled / Differabilities in CSB History, Peggy L. Roske
(Presentation) Libraries at St. John's, Peggy L. Roske
(Presentation) Liturgical Press, Collegeville: A Brief History, Peggy L. Roske
(Presentation) Saint John's Football - in 1952, Peggy L. Roske
(Presentation) Sound of Music: CSB/SJU's Connections to the Movie, Peggy L. Roske
Submissions from 2014
(Presentation) Syriac Poetry of the Mongol Time: from Monasteries to the Royal Tents, Anton Pritula
(Presentation) Character development, ethical pluralism, and the practice of traditional Asian martial arts, Charles W. Wright
(Presentation) Lunch and Learn: Saint John's Abbey Church: Marcel Breuer and the Creation of a Modern Sacred Space, Victoria Young
(Presentation) Genocide to gaming: Cahuilla activism and the tribal casino movement, Theodor P. (Ted) Gordon
(Presentation) Mending a Tattered Faith: How to Read Poetry Devotionally, Susan VanZanten
(Presentation) Ethics, Business, and Sustainability, Joseph R. DesJardins
(Presentation) Weathering difference: a survey of the climate at CSB/SJU, Mary Geller and Brandyn Woodard
(Presentation) Religion, Science and Superstition: Medicine and Magic in a West Syriac Milieu, Nicholas Al-Jeloo
(Presentation) An introduction to conservation genetics & the wildlife management genetics of invasive lizards in Florida, Robert B. Page
(Presentation) Queen Elizabeth II, Amahl and a Monk: A Sneak Peek at the Amahl Puppets, Paul-Vincent Niebauer OSB
(Presentation) St. George and Al-Khadir: A Case of Middle Eastern Convergence, Jonathan Good
(Presentation) Everyday footprints: a bilingual poetry reading and discussion, Roy Ketchum
(Presentation) God's Other Children: Personal Encounters with Faith, Love, and Holiness in Sacred India, Bradley Malkovsky
(Presentation) Cuban-Latin American Relations in a Changing Hemisphere, Carlos Oliva
(Presentation) Disability or creative ability: reexamining our misconceptions, Patricia Klug
(Presentation) These Roses Have Thorns: Flower Workers and US Free Trade with Colombia, Josefa Gomez and Leonardo Luna Alzate
(Presentation) Lessons learned regarding Title IX and sexual misconduct on campus, Doug Mullin OSB
(Presentation) Church-as-bond: a legacy of Vatican II, C. A. Chase
(Presentation) 2014 Koch Lecture: The Politics of Immigration and a Catholic Counternarrative, Kristin Heyer
(Performance) Cello, Piano, Haeguem & the Bible, Paul Huh
(Presentation) Economic Challenges Facing Middle-Income Countries Today: A Latin-American Perspective, Javier Iguiñiz
(Presentation) Service in South Africa: orphans, school children, and social services, Mary Jane Berger OSB
(Presentation) Hyphenated-Americans: The Successes and Challenges of Undergraduate Immigrants at CSB/SJU, Jennifer Beste, Anais Wittrock, Abdirizak Jama, Mai Tong Yang, and Edwin Torres
(Presentation) Jesus, Jews, and Christians: Redeeming our Sacred Story, Mary Boys
(Presentation) Hu Ji Storytelling Festival: how can a heritage change a community, Sophia Geng
(Presentation) Congratulations and condolences: incorporating burden, love and community into identity as a mother of multiples, Erica Stonestreet
(Presentation) Conscience and Courage in Public Life - The 8th Annual Eugene J. McCarthy Lecture, Dave Durenberger and Gary Eichten
(Presentation) LinkedIn 101: connecting to alums, students, and colleagues, Erica L. Rademacher and John Clarkson
(Presentation) SJU Convocation 2014, Kate Graham
(Presentation) CSB Convocation 2014, Christi Siver
(Presentation) A Women in Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics Course, Jim Crumley, Kristen Nairn, Lynn Ziegler, Pamela L. Bacon, and Yu Zhang
(Presentation) The Magnetopause: Bringing Space Physics Into a Junior Lab, Jim Crumley; Ari Palczewski,; and Stephen Kaster
(Presentation) SJU Class of 2014 Commencement Celebration, John Klassen OSB, Michael Hemesath, Michael Rogers, Kathleen Blatz, Joseph R. DesJardins, and William John Cahoy
(Presentation) CSB Class of 2014 Commencement Celebration, MaryAnn Baenninger, Sharon Nohner OSB, Michele Norris, Lynn Newman, Erin Wissler, Joseph R. DesJardins, Jennifer Barta, and Michaela Hedican OSB
(Presentation) Reacting to the Past: a liberal arts pedagogy (with games from Art to STEM), Carol Brash
(Presentation) The gospel dancer: echoes in scripture, Karen L. Erickson
(Presentation) Dave Bennetts: Final Lecture, Dave Bennetts
(Presentation) 2014 SJU State of the University, Michael Hemesath
(Presentation) Listening for the Spirit of God in Our Pursuit of Justice, Rachel Timoner
(Presentation) Tiny homes: Improving carbon footprint and the American lifestyle on a large scale, Timothy Michael Carlin
(Presentation) Post-Soviet hybrid-regimes: Elements of stability, McKensie Diver
(Presentation) An analysis of international corporate tax reform, Travis D. Gohman
(Presentation) Much more than longing: Nostalgia for Fin de Siècle Vienna, Dana Hicks
(Presentation) Home care role in reducing re-hospitalization for patients with CHF and pneumonia within 30 days of discharge, Janelle (Nelli) Hodorff
(Presentation) Lease accounting convergence project: What are the impacts of the new accounting standards?, Kevin Jirik
(Presentation) Vegetation and climate history of the St. John’s Abbey Arboretum (Collegeville, Minnesota) based upon lacustrine fossil pollen, Emily Kiolbasa
(Presentation) Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D status and anaerobic performance in female collegiate basketball players, Anna Krieger
(Presentation) Capital gains tax and its effect on investment, Andrew Long
(Presentation) The Affordable Care Act’s effects on small businesses, Alyssa K. Mason
(Presentation) Classification of biorenewable multiblock copolymers, Sean Pickthorn
(Presentation) A periodized, 52-week training program for a women’s ice hockey team, Katie Schwab
(Presentation) Gender construction through adolescent sexting, Elizabeth A. Severson
(Presentation) Ring-opening polymerization of lactones and lactides: An organic chemistry lab synthesis, Erin Wissler
(Presentation) Comparing dietary patterns of college students when eating in America versus eating in China: Impact on nutrition intake, body weight and waist circumference, Maoxinyu (Daisy) Wu
(Presentation) The Eucharistic prayers (anaphoras) attributed to Philoxenos of Mabbug (†523) in the light of his theology of Eucharist, Roger-Youssef Akhrass
(Presentation) 2014 CSB State of the College, MaryAnn Baenninger
(Presentation) The Unruly Pilot: Address to New Members of Phi Beta Kappa (Theta of Minnesota), April 23, 2014, Noreen L. Herzfeld
(Presentation) Ecological Footprints: Climate Change from a Franciscan Perspective, Dawn Nothwehr OSF
(Presentation) Politics & a Pint: Tax Code, Stacy Penk
(Presentation) What Does Democracy Look Like? Cuba, Its ALBA Allies, and the United States, Arnold August
(Presentation) Sex and Other Matters: It's Not a Matter of Who's Right, Timothy Sedgwick
(Presentation) Why are Scandinavians so happy?, John Hasselberg
(Presentation) Artfully Engaged in God's Redemptive Purposes for the World: Christian Formation and Integration around Scripture, Mary Schertz
(Presentation) Adoring Adorno: A Door to Aesthetics in a Postmodern Age?, Wendy Sterba
(Presentation) The Art of Leadership, Notker Wolf OSB
(Presentation) Latin American Immigration and the Law, Mary Kraemer
(Presentation) Theater of Public Policy, Stacy Penk
(Presentation) Lumen Gentium, Ecumenism, and the Pope Francis Factor, Denis Madden
(Presentation) Trying to be Perfect: The Latest Adventures in the Syriac Book of Steps, Robert A. Kitchen
(Presentation) Religious Diversity in the Middle East, Paul Haidostian
(Presentation) Saint John's Sweet Tradition: Maple Syrup, Melissa J. Bach
(Presentation) The Classroom at the End of the World - When Glamour Beckons, Can Benedictine Values Compete?, Gerald Schlabach
(Presentation) A Great Leap Forward: The Great Depression and U.S. Economic Growth, Alexander J. Field
(Presentation) Digital Natives-Digital Immigrants Engaging the Google Generation, Michael Ross
(Presentation) Creating Worlds Onstage: The Theater Director's "Concept" as Production Blueprint, Kaarin S. Johnston
(Presentation) Paul, the Apostle, Michael Patella OSB and František Trstenský
(Presentation) Praying in a Modernist Space: Thoughts on Marcel Breuer's design for the Abbey and University Church, David Paul Lange OSB
(Presentation) The Embodiment of Love: The Eucharist as a Mystery to be Celebrated, Believed, and Lived, Michael Driscoll
(Presentation) The Nature and Nurture of Intuition, Thomas Q. Sibley
(Presentation) In Quest of the Jewish Mary: The Mother of Jesus in History, Theology and Spirituality, M. Christine Athans
(Presentation) Massive Spying and Governmental Secrecy Are Unethical, Illegal, and Counter-productive, Coleen Rowley
(Presentation) Beyond Basic Exercise Guidelines: Is Sitting Really the New Smoking?, Mary Stenson
(Presentation) Lunch & Learn - The History of Eichstätt, Ephrem Hollermann OSB
(Presentation) Panel Commentary on Harvest of Empire: The Untold Story of Latinos in America, Edwin Torres, Francisco Segovia, and Mary Bellman
(Presentation) Liturgy as the Heart of Pope John Paul's Social Encyclicals, Charlotte Joy Martin
(Presentation) Update on Germany: Shifting Priorities and Overcoming Crises, Anna Lisa Ohm and Austin Eighan
(Presentation) Faith as a Transformative Force in El Salvador, Dennis Beach OSB