"Darwin and the Divine: Is There Room for God in the Evolutionary Proce" by Kenneth R. Miller

Clemens Moral Theology Lectures

Darwin and the Divine: Is There Room for God in the Evolutionary Process?

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This talk is a discussion regarding the tendencies of evolutionary science being at loggerheads with religion. Miller sets fourth his own ideas about increasing public understanding of science with the knowledge that evolution can be seen as a result of God's creative work.

Miller is a cell biologist and molecular biologist who is the 2006 winner of the American Society for Cell Biology Public Service Award; the 2011 winner of Stephen Jay Gould Prize from the Society for the Study of Evolution; and the 2014 winner of the Laetare Medal. He is a Catholic who believes God and Darwin's Theory of Evolution can co-exist. He is the author of two books on the matter, entitled "Finding Darwin's God" and "Only a Theory."

The Nicholas and Bernice Reuter Professor in Science and Religion, the College of Saint Benedict Koch Chair in Catholic Thought and Culture and the Moral Theology Lecture Series are sponsoring this lecture.

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