"What is Water?" by Christiana Peppard

What is Water?

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Christiana Zenner Peppard, Ph.D., is an expert on the ethics of fresh water and problems of climate change, social justice, and sustainability; a public intellectual; and an associate professor of theology, science, and ethics at Fordham University in New York City. Dr. Zenner Peppard is the author of Just Water: Theology, Ethics, and the Global Water Crisis (2014), co-editor of two volumes including Just Sustainability: Ecology, Technology, and Resource Extraction, and the author of numerous peer-reviewed articles on environmental ethics in an era of economic globalization. Her public media work includes venues such as TED-Ed, The New Republic, Public Radio International, The Washingon Post, MSNBC, and CNN.com. In 2013 she was named one of Microsoft’s “Heroes in Education.” Prof. Zenner Peppard holds a PhD in Ethics from Yale University's Department of Religious Studies, and a Bachelor’s in Human Biology from Stanford University. Join her for conversations on Twitter: @profpeppard.

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