Gender Bias in Coverage of Sports: Are Walls Being Broken Down?

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The Sport Journalism panel discussed many current issues related to coverage of women's sports, female reporters and the lack of quality assignments, and the lack of female reporters as sport editors. Information was provided in regard to how news agencies try to balance interest in certain sports with an opportunity to include new audience members by covering more female sports. The female journalists reported that they needed to be more prepared, and are not allowed to make a mistake compared to their male counterparts to avoid being seen as incompetent. They also shared that support and respect for female reporters has improved, but many of the male editors still do not include highly qualified females as part of a decision-making team. Finally, all the panelists challenged the audience participants to take an active role in changing the respect that female reporters are shown by the general public, and to push the news agencies to increase their overall coverage of women's sports.

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