The Time is Always Now: Upholding Legacies of Activism and Diversity Leadership in 21st Century America

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Michael Benitez is a national social justice educator and activist-scholar with extensive experience in education and campus diversity issues. He is known for his down-to-earth insightful commentary and critical perspectives on social and cultural issues.

Benitez integrates multifaceted pedagogies, scholarly inquiry, and personal experience to provide multi-context and -issue frameworks for empowerment and transformation. He has served higher education in different capacities for the last fifteen years, including academic affairs, student affairs, diversity and inclusion, and teaching.

A highly sought out speaker and workshop leader at conferences and colleges across the nation, Benitez has authored book chapters and articles on topics of identity, cultural centers, ethnic studies, pedagogy, and hip hop culture. He often collaborates with leading scholars and activists in the field of anti-oppression and social justice education addressing issues related to diversity and multiculturalism, identity formations, race and ethnic relations, knowledge representation and production, youth and leadership development, and pedagogy and praxis.

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