Adoring Adorno: A Door to Aesthetics in a Postmodern Age?

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We live in a postmodern wonderland where master narratives, authority and values such as good and bad are hard to assess. (Well, we would have called them bad back in the day, but now I guess they are instruments of hegemonic discourse.) Does this mean we are destined to consider all texts as equally valuable? Do we as Walter Benjamin would have it, politicize art, according to Theodor Adorno at the risk of aestheticizing politics, or is there another answer to this dilemma of disappearing authority. Can Theodor Adorno help us with these questions? Can Hans Magnus Enzensberger give us orientation? This presentation seeks to look at three directions in German thought and what they say to us about the problems of art in culture and it does so in VERY SIMPLE straightforward terms that we can all understand and interact with.


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