Forum Lectures
Discover Your Future
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Publication Date
Higher Education
During the past year the Education Department has invited Discovery Elementary, a local school, to participate in academic activities on the College of St. Benedict campus. The school was chosen because of its large population of at risk students with the majority living in poverty. Studies show the earlier students are exposed to college as an "option" for their future they are more likely to choose higher academics. ( Through this knowledge we have teamed with the theater department and invited the 4th grade from Discovery to have an opportunity to interact with college students and be a part of a campus. Our second group last spring was the Clemens Library and 1st grade. We organized a workshop with multiple stations on literacy. Our hope this year is to continue to build relationships with different departments on campus and grade levels at Discovery. Our intentions with this initiative is to have each grade level at Discovery Elementary interact with college students as well as multiple departments and disciplines on campus.
Recommended Citation
Petus, Alicia and Mortrude, Mark, "Discover Your Future" (2013). Forum Lectures. 90.
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