Forum Lectures
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Agriculture | Sustainability
The gardening season at the College of Saint Benedict is about to be expanded to all four seasons with the completion of the Full Circle Greenhouse! The project started a few years ago, when a small group of students learned about a passive solar greenhouse in northern Minnesota and was inspired to try to make their own. After two years of planning, consulting, fundraising, and a lot of hard work, these students have finally realized their goal! Construction on the greenhouse began July 19, 2013, and the Full Circle team is beginning operations this semester (fall 2013). Come learn from Full Circle members Stephanie Pinkalla and Connor Klausing about how a passive solar greenhouse works, what it took to get it constructed, and how you can get involved now.
Recommended Citation
Klausing, Connor and Pinkalla, Stephanie, "What's a Winter Greenhouse? A look inside the student-run Full Circle Greenhouse" (2013). Forum Lectures. 7.