School of Theology and Seminary Lectures
Submissions from 2025
(Presentation) Sunday of the Word of God, The Word is Hope, Katharine E. Harmon and William Orbih
Submissions from 2024
(Presentation) Stewardship and Faith Perspectives: Their Relevance to the Challenges of Climate Change, Noreen L. Herzfeld and Mark Seely
(Presentation) Imbued by the Liturgical Spirit: The Relationships of the German and American Liturgical Movement, Goo Hansol and Marco Benini
(Presentation) Godfrey Diekmann Center Graduate Symposium 2024: A Question of Lex Orandi: Musical Authority in the Baltimore Mar Thoma Community, Scott Cooper and Jonathan Tan
(Presentation) Godfrey Diekmann Center Graduate Symposium 2024: The Role of Popular Liturgical Songs in Promoting Active Participation in Liturgy in Rwanda, Jean D’Amour and Jonathan Tan
(Presentation) Godfrey Diekmann Center Graduate Symposium 2024: A Historical Survey of the Development of Marriage Rituals in the United States, Colleen Darland and Jonathan Tan
(Presentation) Godfrey Diekmann Center Graduate Symposium 2024: The Effects of Migration on the Ghana Catholic Community in Fairfax, Virginia; A perspective on what has been 'lost' and what has been 'gained', Katherine Fitzgerald OSB
(Presentation) Godfrey Diekmann Center Graduate Symposium 2024: Gregorian Chant vs. "Pansori': Liturgical reception of Korean traditional recitatives to Universal Church, Hang Geum Augustine OSB
(Presentation) Godfrey Diekmann Center Graduate Symposium 2024: Opening Remarks, Goo Hansol
(Presentation) Godfrey Diekmann Center Graduate Symposium 2024: In the Key of Change, Emily Heidick
(Presentation) Godfrey Diekmann Center Graduate Symposium 2024: 3. Conversations on Healing Among Diverse Christian Cultures and the Implications on Pastoral Ministry, Philip Polipnick, Mary Francis OSB, Felix Mencias OSB, My Tran OSB, Huu Nguyen OSB, Adrian Panther, Patrick Russell, and Kathleen A. Cahalan
(Article) Godfrey Diekmann Center Graduate Symposium 2024: Icons: Theology, Liturgy, and Culture, Patrick Russell and Jonathan Tan
(Presentation) Godfrey Diekmann Center Graduate Symposium 2024: Jonathan Tan Lecture “Doing Liturgy Intersectionally: Opportunities and Implications”, Jonathan Tan
(Presentation) Godfrey Diekmann Center Graduate Symposium 2024: The Eucharist as a Symbol of Reconciliation in the Construction of Peace in Colombia, Melissa Tovar-Guerrero and Jonathan Tan
(Presentation) Godfrey Diekmann Center Graduate Symposium 2024: "VETERA NOVIS AVGERE ET PERFICERE: A Sketch of a "Lonerganian Liturgics", Henry O. Widdicombe and Jonathan Tan
Submissions from 2023
(Presentation) Universe of Wonder: Galaxies, Stars, Planets, and Life, Jennifer Wiseman and Noreen L. Herzfeld
(Presentation) Living in a Diverse Community: the Preferential Option for the Other, Juna Molina, Donelle Poling, and Shawn Colberg
Submissions from 2022
(Podcast) Humility for Healing: Patristic Wisdom and Modern Psychiatry, Luke Dysinger OSB
(Podcast) Naked to Follow: Humility as Ego-Detachment Part 3, Michael Casey OCSO
(Podcast) Humility: A Powerful Remedy for Destructive Envy, Manuela Scheiba OSB
(Podcast) Naked to Follow: Humility as Ego-Detachment Part 2, Michael Casey OCSO
(Podcast) Committed to the Truth: The Way of Humility, Manuela Scheiba OSB
(Podcast) Naked to Follow: Humility as Ego-Detachment Part 1, Michael Casey OCSO
(Podcast) Humility: A Prerequisite for a Good Conversation, Manuela Scheiba OSB
(Podcast) Humility: A Prelude to Transformation, Luke Dysinger OSB
(Presentation) Glory & Longing in a Suffering World: How can we understand God in the face of suffering & evil?, Christopher Southgate
Submissions from 2021
(Presentation) Saving Lives and Culture in Iraq and among Iraq Refugees, Columba Stewart and Makrina Finlay
Submissions from 2019
(Presentation) Creation and Evolution: Darwin and God Today, Elizabeth Johnson
(Presentation) Toward a Christian Approach to the Natural Sciences: Integrating our Faith and the Sciences, Richard D'Souza S.J.
Submissions from 2016
(Presentation) Calling in Today's World: Multifaith Perspectives, Amy Eilberg, Anantanand Rambachan, Mark Unno, and Kathleen A. Cahalan
Submissions from 2015
(Presentation) The Lived History of Vatican II in the Churches: Gaudium et Spes and the Option for the Poor, Timothy Matovina
(Presentation) Technoculture and Transcendence: A Theological Exploration of Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam Trilogy, Anthony Siegrist
(Presentation) The Emperor's Translation, Ezekiel's Vision, and Luke's Flesh and Bones: Mapping Early Resurrection Meaning, Shelly Matthews
(Video) Reading Scripture in the Wake of Vatican II; Dei Verbum Fifty Years Out, Harold W. Attridge
Submissions from 2014
(Presentation) Ecological Footprints: Climate Change from a Franciscan Perspective, Dawn Nothwehr OSF
(Presentation) Sex and Other Matters: It's Not a Matter of Who's Right, Timothy Sedgwick
(Presentation) Lumen Gentium, Ecumenism, and the Pope Francis Factor, Denis Madden
Submissions from 2013
(Presentation) Sacrosanctum Concilium, Ecumenical Dialogue, and Engagement with the World, Massimo Faggioli
(Presentation) Keeping the 'Catholic' in Catholic Higher Education: Strategies for Church and Academy, William C. Graham and William Cahoy
(Presentation) As You Celebrate, So You Live: A Liturgical Approach on Christian Ethics, Paulachan Kochappilly CMI
(Presentation) Dual Belonging: Why Can't I Be Both Presbyterian and Catholic?, Sally McGill
(Presentation) All Together Now? Catholic Unity and the Liturgy, Rita Ferrone
(Presentation) Fr. Michael Patella, OSB - Witness, Michael Patella OSB and Thomas Rosica CSB
Submissions from 2012
(Presentation) Abbot John Klassen OSB - Witness, John Klassen OSB and Thomas Rosica CSB
(Presentation) Sebastian Gomes - Witness, Sebastian Gomes and Thomas Rosica CSB