"Fr. Michael Patella, OSB - Witness" by Michael Patella OSB and Thomas Rosica CSB

School of Theology and Seminary Lectures

Fr. Michael Patella, OSB - Witness

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Biblical Studies | Christianity


Join Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB for this Witness interview with Fr. Michael Patella, OSB, a Benedictine monk of Saint John's Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota and a professor of New Testament at the Saint John's School of Theology-Seminary. Both Fr. Rosica and Fr. Patella grew up in the diocese of Rochester, New York, and both studied Scripture during their years of formation in Rome and Jerusalem. Over the past decade, Fr. Patella has played a key role overseeing the creation of the Saint John's Bible, the first Benedictine-commissioned, hand-written, hand-illuminated Bible in 400 years.



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