School of Theology and Seminary Lectures

Godfrey Diekmann Center Graduate Symposium 2024: Opening Remarks

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School of Theology


Hansol Goo received her PhD in Theology from University of Notre Dame with research in sacramental theology in the context of contemporary migration. Additionally, Hansol Goo is interested in the areas of ritual studies, global Catholicism, Asian American theologies, as well as Christian art and spirituality. She received a licentiate degree in History and Cultural Heritage of the Church from Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, Italy. Her recent publication includes "Worship Space and Immigrant Memory: Korean Parishes in Los Angeles and New Jersey" in Journal of Global Catholicism, and a book chapter, "Benedetto XVI e l'arte Sacra: Sofferenza e Conversione per Vedere la Bellezza della Verita" published in Italian in Pope Art: Esperienza Religiosa, Estetica, e Spiritualita.

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