School of Theology and Seminary Lectures

Godfrey Diekmann Center Graduate Symposium 2024: "VETERA NOVIS AVGERE ET PERFICERE: A Sketch of a "Lonerganian Liturgics"

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School of Theology


Henry Widdicombe (pronounced wih-dih-KOHMJ was born in northern Idaho and grew up in southern California. He earned his Bachelor of Arts, in Philosophy, from Gonzaga University. He is currently working toward the Master of Theology, writing on the influences of Ignatius of Loyola upon Karl Rahner and Bernard Lonergan. He also has a Master of Theological Studies in Systematics from Saint John's. In the fall, he will start a PhD in theology at Boston College focusing on sacramental theology and the work of Bernard Lonergan. He also enjoys the outdoors and is looking forward to the Superior Hiking Trail this summer.

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