School of Theology and Seminary Lectures
Humility: A Powerful Remedy for Destructive Envy
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School of Theology and Seminary
Sessioin 7 of 8 in the 33rd Monastic Institute series “Humility: Paradoxical Pathway to Union with God.”
Speaker bio: Abbey of St. Gertrude, Alexanderdorf, Germany; Instructor in the Monastic Institute at Sant’ Anselmo, Rome since 2008; author of Gehorsam gegenüber dem Abt (St. Ottilien, 2009); “Explication of the RB As a Signal of the Time. Rule Commentaries of the Twentieth Century”, Tjurunga 72/5 (2007) 75-86; ABR 61:2 (2010) 138-149.
Recommended Citation
Scheiba, Manuela OSB, "Humility: A Powerful Remedy for Destructive Envy" (2022). School of Theology and Seminary Lectures. 15.
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