
Submissions from 2024


(Report) The Personality Profile of Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi, Aubrey Immelman


(Report) The Personality Profile and Leadership Style of U.S. Vice President and 2024 Democratic Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris, Aubrey Immelman, Anne Marie Griebie, and Elise Vomacka

Submissions from 2023


(Conference Proceeding) Military Conflict in Ukraine: Personality Profiles of the Principals – Vladimir Putin, Alexander Lukashenko, and Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Aubrey Immelman, Christ’l De Landtsheer, Elise Vomacka, and Abby Goff


(Conference Proceeding) The Post-Expansionist Personality Profile of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Aubrey Immelman and Abby Goff


(Report) The Personality Profile of 2024 Republican Presidential Contender Ron DeSantis, Aubrey Immelman and Mikayla Santiago


(Report) The Personality Profile of Republican Presidential Contender Chris Christie, Aubrey Immelman and Joseph V. Trenzeluk


(Article) Stimulus–Response Congruency Effects Depend on Quality of Perceptual Evidence: A Diffusion Model Account, Blaine Tomkins


(Conference Proceeding) The Personality Profile and Leadership Style of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Elise Vomacka and Aubrey Immelman

Submissions from 2022


(Article) Parent–Child Recurring Conflict: A Mediator between Parental Anger Management and Adolescent Behavior, Erin Donohue, Linda C. Halgunseth, Sarah M. Chilenski, and Daniel F. Perkins


(Article) Death-Related Anxiety Associated with Riskier Decision-Making Irrespective of Framing: A Bayesian Model Comparison, Blaine Tomkins


(Report) The Personality Profile of China’s Empress Wu Zetian, Ruoyue Wang, Yunyiye Chen, and Aubrey Immelman


(Article) Caregivers’ Self-Compassion and Bereaved Children’s Adjustment: Testing Caregivers’ Mental Health and Parenting as Mediators, Na Zhang, Irwin Sandler, Jenn‑Yun Tein, Sharlene Wolchik, and Erin Donohue

Submissions from 2021


(Conference Proceeding) The Personality Profile and Leadership Style of U.S. President Joe Biden, Anne Marie Griebie and Aubrey Immelman


(Conference Proceeding) The Personality Profile and Leadership Style of China’s President Xi Jinping, Aubrey Immelman and Yunyiyi Chen


(Conference Proceeding) The Personality Profile and Leadership Style of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Juliana Khoury and Aubrey Immelman

Submissions from 2020


(Report) The Political Personality of 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden, Anne Marie Griebie and Aubrey Immelman


(Report) The Political Personality of 2020 Democratic Vice-Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris, Anne Marie Griebie, Aubrey Immelman, and Yitao Zhang


(Blog Post) How Will President Trump Respond to Iranian Retaliation for the Killing of Qasem Soleimani?, Aubrey Immelman


(Report) The Political Personality of 2020 Democratic Presidential Contender Bernie Sanders, Aubrey Immelman


(Conference Proceeding) The Personality Profile and Leadership Style of U.S. President Donald J. Trump in Office, Aubrey Immelman and Anne Marie Griebie

Submissions from 2019


(Report) The Political Personality of Former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, Anne Marie Griebie and Aubrey Immelman


(Article) Investigating Variation and Strength in Social Networks, Timothy D. Immelman and Richard M. Wielkiewicz

Submissions from 2018


(Report) The Leadership Style of North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, Aubrey Immelman


(Report) The Personality Profile of North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, Aubrey Immelman

Submissions from 2017


(Report) The Leadership Style of U.S. President Donald J. Trump, Aubrey Immelman


(Report) The Political Personality of U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, Aubrey Immelman


(Report) The Political Personality of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin, Aubrey Immelman and Joseph V. Trenzeluk

Submissions from 2016


(Report) The Political Personality of 2016 Democratic Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton, Aubrey Immelman


(Conference Proceeding) The Political Personality of 2016 Republican Presidential Nominee Donald J. Trump, Aubrey Immelman


(Article) Myopia is an Adaptive Characteristic of Vision: Not a Disease or Defect, Richard M. Wielkiewicz

Submissions from 2015


(Poster) He's Sarcastic and She's Caring: Students' Stereotypes of the Typical Male and Female Professor, Pamela L. Bacon


(Article) Changes in leadership attitudes and beliefs associated with the college experience: A longitudinal study, Donald V. Fischer, Richard M. Wielkiewicz, Stephen P. Stelzner, Maribeth Overland, and Alyssa S. Meuwissen


(Article) Relational self-construal moderates the effect of social support on life satisfaction, Samantha J. Heintzelman and Pamela L. Bacon


(Article) Mindfulness and the college transition: The efficacy of an adapted mindfulness-based stress reduction intervention in fostering adjustment among first-year students, Taylor R. Ramler, Linda R. Tennison, Julie Lynch, and Patsy Murphy

(Book Chapter) Understanding ecological systems, Stephen P. Stelzner and Richard M. Wielkiewicz


(Article) Confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis of the Mini-IPIP with a multi-institutional sample of first-year college students, Richard M. Wielkiewicz

Submissions from 2014


(Poster) Video game addiction and college performance among males: Results of a one year longitudinal study, Michael Livingston and Zachary L. Schmitt


(Article) Cultivating sacramentality through administrative work: Guidance from St. Benedict on being a Catholic department chair, Rodger Narloch


(Article) A lifelong learning scale for research and evaluation of teaching and curricular effectiveness, Richard M. Wielkiewicz and Alyssa S. Meuwissen

Submissions from 2013

(Book Chapter) Blazing the Trail: Teaching the Privileged about Privilege, Lisa Platt

Submissions from 2012

(Conference Proceeding) Containing North Korea: The Psychological Profile of Kim Jong Il, Aubrey Immelman


(Conference Proceeding) The Political Personality of 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney, Aubrey Immelman


(Conference Proceeding) Presidential Decision Making: Comparing the Personality Profiles of Barack Obama and Franklin D. Roosevelt, Andrew Obritsch and Aubrey Immelman


(Poster) Correlation between Facebook usage and loneliness and depression, Jasmine (Chi Man) Tang and Michael Livingston


(Article) Leadership attitudes and beliefs of incoming first-year college students: A multi-institutional study of gender differences, Richard M. Wielkiewicz, Donald V. Fischer, Stephen P. Stelzner, Maribeth Overland, and Alyssa M. Sinner

Submissions from 2011


(Report) The Political Personality of 2008 Democratic Presidential Contender John Edwards, Aubrey Immelman

Submissions from 2010


(Encyclopedia Entry) Encyclopedia of Psychology: “Political Psychology”, Aubrey Immelman


(Conference Proceeding) The Political Personality of U.S. President Barack Obama, Aubrey Immelman

(Article) Cortisol and symptoms of psychopathology in Russian and American college students, Linda R. Tennison, Laura S. Rodgers, David Beker, Klarisa I. Vorobjeva, Evan T. Creed, and Alena Simonenko


(Book Chapter) An ecological perspective on leadership theory, research, and practice, Richard M. Wielkiewicz and Stephen P. Stelzner


(Article) Reentry issues upon returning from study abroad programs, Richard M. Wielkiewicz and Laura W. Turkowski

Submissions from 2009


(Poster) The More You Know: Reviewing Concepts Using Student-Created Public Service Announcements, Pamela L. Bacon

(Report) The Personality Profile of Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Aubrey Immelman


(Poster) How do students’ beliefs about learning relate to the teaching methods and classroom activities they perceive as effective?, Robert A. Kachelski and Rodger Narloch

(Article) A preliminary assessment of adjustment disorder among first-year college students, Linda R. Tennison and Laura S. Rodgers

Submissions from 2008


(Report) The Political Personality of 2008 Republican Presidential Nominee John McCain, Aubrey Immelman


(Conference Proceeding) The Political Personality of 2007 French Presidential Candidate Ségolène Royal, Aubrey Immelman and Pascal de Sutter


(Conference Proceeding) The Political Personality of French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Aubrey Immelman and Pascal de Sutter

Submissions from 2007


(Conference Proceeding) The Political Personalities of 2008 Republican Presidential Contenders John McCain and Rudy Giuliani, Aubrey Immelman


(Book Chapter) Is subliminal persuasion a myth? No: What every skeptic should know about subliminal persuasion, Anthony R. Pratkanis, Nicholas Epley, Kenneth Savitsky, and Robert A. Kachelski

(Article) Special issue on leadership falls behind, Richard M. Wielkiewicz and Stephen P. Stelzner

Submissions from 2006


(Report) Key Leadership Roles in the 9/11 Terrorist Attack, Aubrey Immelman

(Article) Benefits of prelecture quizzes, Rodger Narloch, Calvin P. Garbin, and Kimberly D. Turnage

(Article) The relationship between school-aged bullying and trust, shyness and quality of friendships in young adulthood: A preliminary research note, Rodger Narloch, Amanda M. Jantzer, and John H. Hoover

(Article) Possibilities for intervention in adolescents' and young adults' depression from a public health perspective, Lisa Platt, Anke Bramesfeld, and Friedrich Wilhelm Schwartz


(Article) Correlations between perfectionism and coping strategies in response to researcher-selected vignettes or participant-selected events, Richard M. Wielkiewicz and Sara J. Wonderlich

Submissions from 2005


(Book Chapter) Political Psychology and Personality, Aubrey Immelman


(Conference Proceeding) The Political Personality of 2004 Democratic Presidential Candidate John Kerry, Aubrey Immelman and Adam Beatty

(Article) Differentiation of self and child abuse potential in young adulthood, Lisa Platt and Elizabeth A. Skowron

(Article) Relationships of the leadership attitudes and beliefs scale with student types, study habits, life-long learning, and GPA, Richard M. Wielkiewicz, Christina L. Prom, and Steven Loos


(Article) An ecological perspective on leadership theory, research, and practice, Richard M. Wielkiewicz and Stephen P. Stelzner

Submissions from 2004

(Book Chapter) De Harmonie van Paars II: Kok, Borst en Jorritsma – Een Psychodiagnostische Analyse [The Synchrony of Purple II: Kok, Borst, and Jorritsma – A Psychodiagnostic Analysis], Aubrey Immelman

(Book Chapter) De Persoonlijkheid van de Politieke Overwinnaar: Het Vlaamse Lijsttrekkersdebat van 25 Februari 2003 [The Personality of the Political Victor: The Belgian Candidate List Debate of February 25, 2003], Aubrey Immelman

(Book Chapter) De Roode Ridder van Paars-Groen: Het Persoonlijkheidsprofiel van Frans Vandenbroucke [The Red Knight of Purple-Green: The Personality Profile of Frans Vandenbroucke], Aubrey Immelman


(Report) The Personality of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Aubrey Immelman and Jamie Thielman

(Article) Het Persoonlijkheids-profiel van de Top van Paars II (Kok, Borst en Jorritsma) door de Lens van de Nederlandse Media = The Personality Profile of the Top Leadership of the Purple II Coalition (Kok, Borst, and Jorritsma) through the Lens of the Dutch Media, Christ'l de Landtsheer, W. van der Schaaf, and Aubrey Immelman

(Article) College students' conceptions of vocation and the role of the higher education mentoring community, Rodger Narloch

Submissions from 2003


(Book Chapter) Personality in Political Psychology, Aubrey Immelman


(Conference Proceeding) The Political Personality of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, Aubrey Immelman and Adam Beatty


(Conference Proceeding) “Bin Laden’s Brain”: The Abrasively Negativistic Personality of Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, Aubrey Immelman and Kathryn Kuhlmann


(Paper) A Research Agenda for Political Personality and Leadership Studies: An Evolutionary Proposal, Aubrey Immelman and Theodore Millon

(Article) Physiological and behavioral effects of d-threo-methylphenidate hydrochloride in male Wistar-Kyoto and spontaneously hypertensive rats, Jennifer Lee Saylor, Linda R. Tennison, and David Mitchell

Submissions from 2002

(Article) Mohamed Atta's Personality, Aubrey Immelman

(Article) The Hunt for bin Laden : America's "Second Intelligence Failure"?, Aubrey Immelman


(Conference Proceeding) The Personality Profile of al-Qaida Leader Osama bin Laden, Aubrey Immelman


(Conference Proceeding) The Personality Profile of September 11 Hijack Ringleader Mohamed Atta, Aubrey Immelman


(Book Chapter) The Political Personality of U.S. President George W. Bush, Aubrey Immelman

(Conference Proceeding) Personality Profiles of Dutch “Purple Coalition” Cabinet Leaders Wim Kok, Els Borst, and Annemarie Jorritsma, Aubrey Immelman, Christ'l de Landtsheer, and W. van der Schaaf

(Article) Validity of the Leadership Attitudes and Beliefs Scale: Relationships with personality, communal orientation, and social desirability, Richard M. Wielkiewicz

Submissions from 2001

(Article) Childhood Denied : The Roots of Ralph Nader's Righteousness, Aubrey Immelman and Peter Habencius

(Article) Children's use of sample size and variability to make social inferences, Rodger Narloch and Janis E. Jacobs

Submissions from 2000


(Article) The relational-interdependent self-construal and relationships, Susan E. Cross, Pamela L. Bacon, and Michael L. Morris


(Article) Personality Is the Main Issue: Presidential Election-Outcome Forecasting, Aubrey Immelman


(Article) Portrait of George W. Bush as a “Late Bloomer”, Aubrey Immelman


(Article) The Character of Hillary Clinton, Aubrey Immelman


(Conference Proceeding) The Political Personalities of 2000 U.S. Presidential Candidates George W. Bush and Al Gore, Aubrey Immelman

(Book Chapter) Understanding and changing social systems: An ecological view, Stephen P. Stelzner, James G. Kelly, Ann Marie Ryan, and B. Eileen Altman

(Article) The Leadership Attitudes and Beliefs Scale: An instrument for evaluating college students' thinking about leadership and organizations, Richard M. Wielkiewicz

Submissions from 1999


(Article) The ecology of leadership: Adapting to the challenges of a changing world, Kathleen E. Allen, Stephen P. Stelzner, and Richard M. Wielkiewicz

(Article) What every skeptic should know about subliminal persuasion, Nicholas Epley, Kenneth Savitsky, and Robert A. Kachelski