Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



International Relations | Leadership Studies | Other Political Science | Other Psychology | Personality and Social Contexts


This paper presents the results of an indirect assessment of the personality of Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau from the conceptual perspective of personologist Theodore Millon.

Psychodiagnostically relevant data about Trudeau were collected from biographical sources and media reports and synthesized into a personality profile using the Millon Inventory of Diagnostic Criteria (MIDC), which yields 34 normal and maladaptive personality classifications congruent with DSM-III-R, DSM-IV, and DSM-5.

The personality profile yielded by the MIDC was analyzed on the basis of interpretive guidelines provided in the MIDC and Millon Index of Personality Styles manuals. Trudeau’s primary personality pattern was found to be Outgoing/gregarious, with a secondary Ambitious/confident pattern, and subsidiary features of the Dauntless/adventurous, Dominant/asserting, Accommodating/cooperative, and Conscientious/respectful patterns.

Outgoing leaders are characteristically sociable, with a warm, likeable personal style. Though image-conscious and needing validation, they are confident about their social skills and their ability to charm and influence others. They tend to be easily bored by routine, are prone to shifting moods, and may be viewed as inconsistent or undependable. Ambitious leaders are characteristically competitive, self-confident, audacious, bold, and clever. They are charming and skilled at winning others over to their causes and purposes, fully expect others to recognize their special qualities, and may lack social reciprocity or exhibit a sense of entitlement.

Of lesser consequence in Trudeau’s overall personality configuration, Dauntless leaders tend to flout tradition, dislike following routine, and may sometimes act impulsively and irresponsibly; Dominant leaders enjoy the power to direct others and to evoke obedience and respect, often making effective leaders; Accommodating leaders tend to be considerate, cordial, and cooperative and are willing to reconcile differences and to concede when necessary; and Conscientious leaders are dutiful and diligent, have a strong work ethic and careful attention to detail, strive to uphold rules and regulations, and are loyal to their families and causes.

The prominence of the Outgoing (extraverted) pattern, in conjunction with a distinctive Ambitious (adaptively narcissistic) pattern in his overall personality configuration, is indicative of the energetic extravert subtype. These leaders are optimistic, cheerful, and radiate charm and vigor.

Leaders with Trudeau’s personality profile are likely to exhibit a charismatic leadership style with a flair for the dramatic and a collegial problem-solving approach with a focus on reconciling differences diplomatically through consensus building.


The research was conducted in the Department of Psychology at St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada and at the Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics (USPP), a collaborative faculty–student research program in the psychology of politics at St. John’s University and the College of St. Benedict in Collegeville and St. Joseph, Minnesota, USA, directed by Aubrey Immelman, PhD, associate professor of psychology, who specializes in the psychological assessment of presidential candidates and world leaders.

Trudeau Personality and Leadership Profile (ISPP 2021).pptx (2356 kB)
PowerPoint presentation: Justin Trudeau’s Personality and Leadership Profile
