Honors Theses, 1963-2015
Submissions from 2013
(Thesis) The Rally Around the Flag Effect: A Look at Former President George W. Bush and Current President Barack Obama, Jocelyn E. Norman
(Thesis) Efficient Clustering-based Plagiarism Detection using IPPDC, Anthony Ohmann
(Thesis) Dichotomous Identity, Tommy O'Laughlin
(Thesis) A Window of Opportunity: When Can State Governments Defeat Revolutionary Movements?, Nirmani Perera
(Thesis) Visualizing Chaos, Margaret Peterson
(Thesis) Identification of Contributing Factors to Alcohol Abuse in Korean and Vietnam War Veterans, Hannah Prososki
(Thesis) The Growth in Normal Subgroups Under Direct Products, Whitney Radil
(Thesis) Roll and Pitch Corrections for a Shipboard Anemometer, Allison Reinsvold
(Thesis) Coding Theory-Based Cryptopraphy: McEliece Cryptosystems in Sage, Christopher Roering
(Thesis) A Degree of Freedom Manager for Multiphysics Simulation with performance Analysis, Benjamin Seefeldt
(Thesis) Target Language Use and Teaching for Intercultural Competence in Novice Level Spanish Courses: Comparing Practices and Perspectives in High School and University Classrooms, Leah Shepard
(Thesis) Politics of the Futenma Relocation Issue – Why Did Okinawa Accept the Henoko Plan in 2006?, Kunihiro Shimoji
(Thesis) A Spectral Alternative to K-means Clustering for Graph Data, Becca Simon
(Thesis) With One Breath, Jessica Solfest
(Thesis) Treatment Efficacy of Exposure Therapy and Mindfulness Meditation on Physiological and Self-Perceived Measures of Stress for a Certain Public Speaking Task, Maria A. Stevens
(Thesis) An Arms Race or Bureaucratic Dogfight? Assessing the Underlying Causes of India’s Nuclear Force Development, Drew Stommes
(Thesis) The control of crawling movement by interneuron circuits of the Drosophila larva, Mary Sweet
(Thesis) The Effects of Plainchant on Subjective Measures of Emotion and Heart Rate Variance, Alexander J. Twohy
(Thesis) Synthesis and Characterization of a Biometric Model of the Tricopper Binding Site of Multicopper Oxidases, Haosen Wang
(Thesis) What is the effect of drinking 16 oz. of Pomegranate Blueberry V8 V-Fusion® or 4.23 oz Apple Juicy Juice® every day for 21 days on high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) levels in college-aged students?, Lauren Wojciechowski
(Thesis) Get In or Get Out: The Impact of Financial Liberalization on China's Economic Growth, Licheng Yin
Submissions from 2012
(Thesis) Listen carefully y presta atención: Selective attention in late L2 learners, Jennifer Anderson
(Thesis) Characterizing a homolog of FEN-1 in Methanosarcina acetivorans: an investigation into the evolution of the DNA repair pathways of archaea, Andrew L. Bailey
(Thesis) Protocol Assessment Adherence for Depression Among Community-Dwelling and Inpatient Older Adults, Cassie Cabor
(Thesis) Comparison of Health and Illness Patterns of Community-Dwelling Veterans with Those Living in Institutional Settings., Adam Cronin
(Thesis) Grid-Scale Energy Storage for Integrating Renewable Energy: Updates on FERC Order 755 and DOE-Funded Demonstration Projects, Steve Dahlke
(Thesis) Donald Davidson's Semantics: Radical Interpretation, Triangulation, and the Ambiguity Problem, Karen Duffy
(Thesis) Differences in Discrimination and Mental Health Outcomes Between Sexual Minority and Majority Individuals, Kathryn Ellis
(Thesis) The Secret Garden, Mattie E. Ernst
(Thesis) Automated Detection and Analysis of Meteor Events Using Nightly Calibrations of Observed Stars, Alexander Mitchell Evich
(Thesis) Ionic Liquid Effects on the Synthesis of Silver Iodide Nanoparticles, Redmond Fraser
(Thesis) Speak Loud and Clear: Relating Intergenerational Service-Learning To Ageism and Elderspeak, Kristin Hultgren
(Thesis) Fleeing North: An Examination of U.S. Refugee and Asylum Policy towards Nicaragua, Anthony Jensen
(Thesis) The Effect of Gender on Recalling Facial Features: Does Our Gender Determine Which Features Are Encoded at First Glance?, Stephanie Kaplan
(Thesis) The Secession of South Sudan: A Case Study in African Sovereignty and International Recognition, Christian Knox
(Thesis) Is Ignorance Really Bliss? Recognition of Gender Microaggressions and Its Relationships with Gender, Self-Esteem, and Ambivalent Sexism, Alexandra L. Lenzen
(Thesis) Raising the Bar: Improving Evaluations of Mental Health Courts, Evan Marie Lowder
(Thesis) Latino/Latin American Muralism and Social Change: A Reflection on the Social Significance of the Cold Spring Mural, Shannon McEvoy
(Thesis) The Forces of Acculturation on Gender Roles within Somali Communities in Minnesota, Carin Molenaar
(Thesis) Visualizing Chaos, Andrew Nicklawsky
(Thesis) Reacting to the Crisis: Effects of the National Federation of Coffee Growers' response to the end of the International Coffee Agreement on peasant farmers in Columbia, Matthew James Palmquist
(Thesis) All Politics is Local? The 2010 Midterm Elections in Historical Perspective, Joseph Petrzelka
(Thesis) Spectroscopic investigations of human serum fibrinogen and magnetic iron (III) oxide nanoparticle interactions under normal and oxidative stress conditions, Valdez Rahming
(Thesis) Synthesis of Dimethylphosphonate Epoxides for Future Use in the Creation of 1,2-Amino Alcohols, Danelle Rolle
(Thesis) Conceptions of Crisis Management: The Analysis of Pharmaceutical Companies in Germany, Japan, and the United States, Davina Schaetz
(Thesis) Power and the Polis: A Study in MacIntyrean State Theory, Benjamin Sehnert
(Thesis) Identification of New Inhibitors of Human Low Molecular Weight Protein Tyrosine: Phosphatase Isoform B via Virtual Screening, Christopher Seiler
(Thesis) Evaluative Conditioning with "Not", Alyssa Sinner
(Thesis) Unpacking the Bricolage Box: Understanding Medical Choice Among the Maya of Guatemala, Maggie A. Thompson
(Thesis) Falls and Fall Protocols in the Care of Older Adults: A Comparison of Inpatient and Community Dwelling Veterans, Katy Torchia
(Thesis) Elizabeth Bennet Goes to Apollo: Reinventing Pride and Prejudice in the High School Classroom, Amy Vander Heiden
(Thesis) First Solar Images Using a Photon Sieve, Juliana T. Vievering
(Thesis) Fair Division in Political Redistricting, Xiao Wang
(Thesis) Mozambique's "Land Grab": Exploring Approaches to Elite Policymaking and Neoliberal Reform, Hannah Wittmeyer
(Thesis) Non-Abelian Groups with Perfect Order Subsets, Hongying Zhao
Submissions from 2011
(Thesis) Just Another Dumb Blonde? A Cross-Cultural Study of Implicit Hair Color Biases and Ambivalent Sexism, Kaitlin Andreasen
(Thesis) Molecular Modeling of Multicopper Oxidases: The Binding of O2 to a Tri-Copper Active Site, Mardi Billman
(Thesis) A Novel: and in the waiting you become, Katherine Boehm
(Thesis) Proportional Representation of Women and Perceptions of Leadership Roles, Katie Brown
(Thesis) Groups of Graphs of Groups, David Byrne
(Thesis) The Minimum Wage's Effects on Teenage Employment, Edward Byrne
(Thesis) Now or Later: An Experimental Analysis of the Effects of Distraction on Individual Financial Decisions and Preferences, Benjamin Casner
(Thesis) The Multiple Drafts Model and the Transcendental Argument for Passage, James Darcy
(Thesis) The Green Driver's Dilemma: Choosing an Environmentally Friendly Car, Leif Davisson
(Thesis) Gender Differences in Text Message Content, Ellen Dehmer
(Thesis) Identifying the Characteristics of Eating Disorders in a Community Sample, Kristina DeMuth
(Thesis) A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Radon Mitigation in the Upper Midwest, Rachel Dols
(Thesis) Groups of Graphs of Groups, Matthew Donner
(Thesis) Proof-of-concept: The transgenic transformation of Medicago sativa with Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Alexander Hansen
(Thesis) Comparison of Motivational General-Mastery and Motivational General-Arousal Imagery Interventions and Their Impact on Perceived Team Cohesion in a Collegiate Volleyball Team, Allison Homstad
(Thesis) Body Dissatisfaction, The Thin Ideal, and Social Judgments, Katherine Kenefick
(Thesis) Modeling the Kinetics of an Enzyme System, Sara Kokkila
(Thesis) Conditions for Success: Conditional Party Government in the Minnesota House of Representatives, Lindsey Krause
(Thesis) Dividing the Land, Uniting the Peoples: the Hospitallers on Rhodes, 1347 - 1374, Robert Lennon
(Thesis) Study of Pyridoxal 5' Phosphate (PLP) Analogs as Potential Inhibitors to the Enzyme Low Molecular Weight Protien Tyrosine Phosphatase (LMW-PTP), Nathan Louwagie
(Thesis) Analysis of Heavy Metal Content in Chicken Eggs, Peter Ly
(Thesis) Eradicating Famine: Famine Causation and Solutions for Famine Prevention, Alison Maguire
(Thesis) A New Approach to Understanding the Early Miocene Paleoenvironment of Rusinga Island (Lake Victoria, Kenya): Using Leaf Margin Analysis, Leaf Area Analysis and Digital Leaf Physiognomy, Daniel Maxbauer
(Thesis) Financial Services Reform: A Case Study in Unorthodox Lawmaking, Melanie Miesen
(Thesis) Optika: A GUI Framework for Parameterized Applications, Kurtis Nusbaum
(Thesis) The Influence of Personality on Presidential Decision Making: a Comparison of the Personality Profiles of Barack Obama and Franklin D. Roosevelt, Andrew Obritsch
(Thesis) Can Romance Novels Occupy a Progressive Space within Feminism?, Alissa Pehrson
(Thesis) What Makes a Good Doctor?: The Personal Qualities that Relate to Patient Satisfaction, Megan Peterson
(Thesis) A novel antimicrobial peptide from Aspergillus fumigatus, Kristin Reinsvold
(Thesis) Impact of Culture on Concepts of Ethical Business Leadership, Shafak Mohamed Samsheer
(Thesis) The Impact of Female Legislators on pay Equity Policy: The Minnesota Comparable Worth Act of 1982 and the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, Jennifer Schwope
(Thesis) Effects of Exposure on the Ecology of the Magic Industry: Preserving Magic's secrets in the Absence of Law, Jared Sherlock
(Thesis) Can Using My Cell Phone Lower My Grades? - A Study of Correlations between Cell Phone Use and Academic Performance, Alec Shern
(Thesis) The Peace in Chaos: A Memoir in the Form of a Collection of Essays, Abigail Spaniol
(Thesis) Revitalizing a Genre: Beauties, Beasts, and Women Writers in the Western Tradition of the Literary Fairy Tale, Brita Thielen
(Thesis) Neural Networks and Video Games: Developing an Interactive AI, William Tice
(Thesis) Anyman, Everyman, Scott Twelves
(Thesis) The Number of Conjugacy Classes of a Finite Group and its Sylow p-subgroups, Cong Tuan Son Van
(Thesis) Secondary Protein Structure Prediction Combining Protein Structural Class, Relative Surface Accessibility, and Contact Number, Jonathan Walz
(Thesis) Language Brokering within Latino Immigrant Families: Outcomes and Opportunities, Ashley Weinhandl
(Thesis) Sing a New Song: Composing Music for the 21st Century Roman Liturgy, Caleb Wenzel
Submissions from 2010
(Thesis) The Federal Reserve's Mission Conflicts, the Case of the Subprime Crisis, Valentin Sierra Arias
(Thesis) Radio Numbers of Generalized Petersen Graphs, Lindsay Baun
(Thesis) Refactoring Trilinos' Amesos Direct Sparse Solver, Eric Bavier
(Thesis) The Golden Age: An Examination of American 20th Century Flute Literature, Christen Beckstrand