Global Business Leadership Student Work
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Many people today question whether global pharmaceutical companies operate with a universal set standard for crisis management or if cultural values influence their decisions regardless of external pressures. Because of technology, continental borders no longer obstruct intercultural communication. The result of increasing scientific advances leaves no organization impervious to both true problems and false rumors spread by the media. An issue can instantaneously erupt and leak into the public domain before a corporation can confer and manage the issue internally. Therefore, crisis management is essential for both large and small corporations to help them alleviate any potential image damage. Pharmaceutical companies are especially prone to crises because they operate in the healthcare sector. In consideration of this, it is vital for pharmaceutical organizations, no matter where they are located geographically, to prepare for such crisis events. The different methods international pharmaceutical firms used to manage crises are examined in the context of their headquarters' country of origin. The hypothesis suggests that although a universal set of crisis management guidelines is developing, businesses still should be sensitive to differing cultural values.
Recommended Citation
Schaetz, Davina, "Conceptions of Crisis Management: The Analysis of Pharmaceutical Companies in Germany, Japan, and the United States" (2012). Global Business Leadership Student Work. 1.
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