Honors Scholars | College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University Research | DigitalCommons@CSB/SJU

Honors Scholars

Honors Scholars Student Work contains the work of students in Honors Scholars for Community and Collaborative Leadership, a program at CSBSJU since fall 2020. The Honors Theses collection contains abstracts for all CSB/SJU honors theses from 1992-2015. The full text is included if student authors have given permission for their work to be made publicly available online. Starting in the 2015-2016 academic year, the Honors Thesis Program became part of the All College Thesis Program. Theses completed from 2016-2019 are included in the All College Thesis Program collection. For theses completed after 2019, visit the CSBSJU Distinguished Thesis collection.


Browse the Honors Scholars Collections:

Honors Scholars Student Work

All College Thesis Program, 2016-2019

Honors Theses, 1963-2015