Policies | DigitalCommons@CSB/SJU | College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University Research

Policies for DigitalCommons@CSB/SJU
College of Saint Benedict/Saint John's University


This document outlines the policies established for DigitalCommons@CSB/SJU’s current and future collections.

The Institutional Repository Committee

The DigitalCommons@CSB/SJU Committee currently includes Jonathan Carlson (chair), Aaron Chalich, Bonnie Finn, Miranda Novak, Peggy Roske, Bennett Frensko, and David Wuolu. CSB/SJU community members who are interested in submitting materials should contact us at digitalcommons@csbsju.edu.

To create a new collection, an individual, department, or organization will work with the Committee to determine the appropriate collection structure and guidelines for each collection.

Adding Content

DigitalCommons@CSB/SJU is a dynamic institutional repository based on the principle of Open Access. It enables us to collect, share, and preserve the scholarly output of the CSB/SJU community. It is intended to provide access to this work as broadly as possible, and for as long as possible. Appropriate content may be added following the guidelines below:

  • The work must be originally produced or sponsored by a faculty or staff member, student, department or program, or organization at CSB/SJU
  • The work must be scholarly, research-oriented, creative, or of institutional significance
  • The author must own the copyright to the work, or have received and shown permission from the copyright or license holder to have the material available on DigitalCommons@CSB/SJU
  • Most file formats are accepted. When possible, documents are converted automatically to the PDF format. Supplementary files can be uploaded in their native format.
  • The repository follows an Open Access policy but in some cases material may be available only to current members of the campus community

Permission Forms

Content will only be added if a work’s author A) signs a permission form (linked below); B) accepts the click-through agreement (if self-uploaded); or C) otherwise grants us permission to host the content, granting CSB/SJU the right to distribute and preserve the material via DigitalCommons@CSB/SJU

Scope of Collection

What belongs in DigitalCommons@CSB/SJU? We have an inclusive collection policy, and want to help you share your work with the world. However, submitted works should generally be scholarly and substantive in nature. Contributions are intended to be permanent additions to the repository, so works that are still in progress or ephemeral in nature are not recommended for contribution. We also prioritize adding content created during one’s time at CSB/SJU, rather than before one’s arrival or after one’s departure from our institutions. If authors who have submitted work to DigitalCommons@CSB/SJU leave our institutions, their work will be retained in our collection. Examples of possible content include:

  • Faculty and staff publications (books and book chapters, journal articles, substantive book reviews, data sets, working papers, and other previously unpublished materials)
  • Conference proceedings, papers, presentations, and posters
  • Artwork, music, theatre, or dance performance
  • Teaching and learning resources
  • School of Theology papers
  • Honors Theses and other student work deemed exceptional by an academic department
  • Articles in our hosted journals, which include Headwaters; Obsculta; Studio One; The Compass; Journal of Social Encounters
  • Video recordings of lectures, invited speaker presentations, and other campus events

Author Rights

  • Authors retain any copyright they have for works posted in the repository
  • The author is free to reuse the content of their work, but it is his/her responsibility to check the terms of the publication agreement if a document published in DigitalCommons@CSB/SJU is published elsewhere

User Rights

  • All users must respect the intellectual property rights of the author
  • Material may be downloaded for educational and research purposes provided due recognition is given to the author
  • Material may not be copied, distributed, displayed, altered, or used for commercial purposes, unless specified by Creative Commons License

Removing or Updating Content

  • Authors may post updated works and additional files to existing content in the repository. Posting updated versions along with the original material is the preferred way to show the progress of research
  • DigitalCommons@CSB/SJU is intended as a permanent repository. An item is not normally withdrawn unless removal is legally required
  • If a work is withdrawn, a citation including original metadata will always remain, but the work is noted as withdrawn

This document was revised from the policy originally created by Terri Fishel and Janet Sietmann at Macalester College.

CSB/SJU's Institutional Repository Committee reserves the right to change these policies at any time. Current revision: February 27, 2018.