Honors Theses, 1963-2015
Document Type
Publication Date
International Relations | Political Science
The purpose of my research is to look at how the “rally-round-the-flat effect” affected both former President George W. Bush and current President Barrack Obama and uncover why Obama only benefited from the “rally-round-the-flag effect” once, even though he has dealt with numerous international crises. This research is valuable because it will illustrate how the rally effect affects different presidents and uncover the outside factors that caused Obama’s approval ratings to remain stagnant during time of international crisis. In addition, it will hopefully disprove the notion that crisis or war automatically increases the popularity of a President.
Recommended Citation
Norman, Jocelyn E., "The Rally Around the Flag Effect: A Look at Former President George W. Bush and Current President Barack Obama" (2013). Honors Theses, 1963-2015. 15.
Advisor: Claire Haeg