Honors Theses, 1963-2015
A Window of Opportunity: When Can State Governments Defeat Revolutionary Movements?
Document Type
Publication Date
Political Science
This thesis examines the circumstances under which a state government can militantly defeat a revolutionary movement. DeFronzo’s theory of revolutions and revolutionary movements is applied to the case study of Sri Lanka’s civil war. In particular, the years of 2004 through 2009 are examined since this is classified as the final stages of the war. The findings are that the absence of DeFronzo’s five critical factors played a key role in giving the Sri Lankan government a window of opportunity to defeat the revolutionary group, the Liberation Tamil Tigers of Eelam.
Recommended Citation
Perera, Nirmani, "A Window of Opportunity: When Can State Governments Defeat Revolutionary Movements?" (2013). Honors Theses, 1963-2015. 731.