School of Theology and Seminary Graduate Papers/Theses
Submissions from 2024
(Graduate Paper) What does Ubuntu tell us about what it means to be human? A Journey Towards Ubuntu’s Theology and Anthropology, Jean d'Amour Dusengmuremyi
(Graduate Paper) “The Spirit and Power": Max Weber and the Study of Prophecy and Authority in the First Three Centuries of the Church, Coleman S. Kimbrough
(Graduate Paper) An Approach to Catholic Marriage for the K'Ho People of the Diocese of Da Lat, Vietnam, Duc Van Nguyen
(Graduate Paper) Women's Reproductive Health: A Critical Appraisal of Reproductive Justice and Magisterial Contributions to Responsible Family Planning, Kelly Olson
(Master's Thesis) The Emmanuel Sign (Isaiah 7:14) as a Messianic Promise, Thong K. Tran
(Master's Thesis) Finding God in All Things: Contemplation and Action in Karl Rahner and Bernard Lonergan, Henry O. Widdicombe
Submissions from 2023
(Graduate Paper) Opening the Frontiers for Vietnamese Theology: Dialogue, Ha Cao
(Graduate Paper) Transition and Transcendence: An Approach to Constructive Transgender Theology with Insights from Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza and Karl Rahner, Maggie Nadalin
(Graduate Paper) An Exploration of the Distinct Narratives of Mark and Matthew in the Gospels, Lanh Nguyen
(Graduate Paper) The Relationship between Marital life and Celibacy in the Catholic Church, Saint-Gilbert Nortilus
(Graduate Paper) The Cross of Christ: the culmination of the Paschal Mystery celebrated in the death and resurrection of Christ for the hope of eternal life, Charlius Pierre
Submissions from 2022
(Graduate Paper) The Role and Characteristic of Love in 1 Corinthians 13, Ninh Van Nguyen
(Master's Thesis) Synodality as the Listening Church: Pope Francis Continues and Expands Vatican II's Teaching on Collegiality, Toan Van Phan O.Cist
Submissions from 2021
(Graduate Paper) Pauline Theology: The Interdependently Called Body of Christ, Katryna Bertucci
(Master's Thesis) The Glory of the Lord Whose Likeness is as the Appearance of a Human Being/Adam: A Study of Ezekiel’s Son of Man/Adam Anthropology, Timothy R. Schmeling
(Graduate Paper) The Power, (Problem), and Potential of Prayer, Meghan E. Stretar
Submissions from 2020
(Graduate Paper) How Can Catholic Youth Programs Improve the Youth’s Connection To the Mass?, Elizabeth Cook
(Graduate Paper) Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall: A Glimpse Into the Theme of Righteousness Through the Anthropology, Theology, and Spirituality of the Psalms, Elizabeth Cook
(Graduate Paper) Introducing Queer Theology, Cole Epping
(Graduate Paper) Taking Care of the Forgotten: A Pastoral Response to the Hospice Care Professional, Constance Friebohle
(Graduate Paper) A Global Church in the Local Parish: Fostering Intercultural Competency for Indonesian Catholic Ministry in the United States, Janice Kristanti
(Graduate Paper) The Indispensability of Inculturation For Effective Evangelization: Revisiting The Evangelization of Sub-Saharan Africa, Mark Obeten
(Graduate Paper) Seeking a New Paradigm for Youth Ministry of Waegwan Abbey, South Korea, Cyprian Ji-Eung Ryu
(Graduate Paper) The Catholic Church and the Turn of the 20th Century: An Anthropology of Human Flourishing and a Church for Peace, Maria Siebels
(Graduate Paper) The Wounded Body of Christ: Social Trauma in Pastoral Care, Kelsi Watters
Submissions from 2019
(Graduate Paper) A Non-Dualistic Reading of Body and Soul in the Gospel of Matthew: Focusing on Matthew 10:39 in the Context of Discipleship, Alexander Blechle
Submissions from 2018
(Graduate Paper) Catholic Social Teaching and the Christian Responsibility to the Poor, Rose Aspholm
(Master's Thesis) Not Quite Calvinist: Cyril Lucaris a Reconsideration of His Life and Beliefs, Stephanie Falkowski
(Graduate Paper) Life or Death and Other False Dichotomies: A Theology of Hospice, Kayla Stock
Submissions from 2017
(Master's Thesis) On Dionysian Theological Methodology, Joseph Arrendale
(Graduate Paper) The Transcendence of the Apprehension of Beauty, Mary Abigail Coleman
(Graduate Paper) The Paradox of Remarkable/Unremarkable Julian of Norwich, John P. Fitzgibbons
(Book Chapter) Agape Unbound in Silence and Deep River, Elizabeth Cameron Galbraith
(Graduate Paper) Formed for Diverse Communion: Toward Developing An Ecumenical Formation Process for New Members of Holy Wisdom Monastery’s Sunday Assembly, Rosy Kandathil OSB
(Graduate Paper) A Garden Enclosed, A Fountain Sealed Up: Paradoxical and Generative Metaphors of Enclosure in Medieval Female Anchoritism, Cody Maynus Obl.S.B.
(Graduate Paper) The Gospel of Mark, Nancy McCabe
(Master's Thesis) A Theological Retrieval of Communal Parenting as a Moral Response to Baby Stealing and Childlessness in Nigeria, Henry U. Omeike
(Graduate Paper) Do This, in Memory of Me!, Joseph Qiu-Lin Zhang
Submissions from 2016
(Master's Thesis) A Church Built on Charity: Augustine's Ecclesiology, Michael J. Clinger Jr
(Graduate Paper) A Story of Identity in the Christian East, Manya Gustafson
(Graduate Paper) Jude's Enochian Apocalypse, Lucian López OSB
(Graduate Paper) Matthew's Least Brothers and It's Application in the Catholic Church, Runbao Zhang
Submissions from 2015
(Electronic Book) Illuminating Christ, Jessie Bazan
(Master's Thesis) Gifting Freedom to the Samaritan: Considerations on access to both the sacramental event and salvation for those who, for whatever reason, find themselves outside the Church, and the consequences of identity for the Church in gifting such access, C. A. Chase
(Graduate Paper) My Brother's a Jerk and Dad's Gonna Spank Him: Roles and Relations in Obadiah, Aletta Stumo
Submissions from 2014
(Graduate Paper) Christology, Theology, & Evolution in Celia Deane-Drummond's Christ and Evolution, Trevor Beach SJ
(Graduate Paper) Joy as Illumination: Participation in God's Life-giving Trinitarian Love, Trevor Beach SJ
(Graduate Paper) Consideration of the Church's Identity and Mission, Predicated on the Church Be-ing 'Ligamen' (Bond), C. A. Chase
(Graduate Paper) Observations on the Performative Force of the Qyama and the Ihidaye, and its Pertinancy Today, C. A. Chase
(Graduate Paper) Christ, the Meeting Point of Sacramental and Trinitarian Theology, Nathan Peter Chase
(Graduate Paper) The Christological Remnants within Eucharistic Prayers, Nathan Peter Chase
(Master's Thesis) With Eyes That See: The Role of Spiritual Vision in the Ascent of Nyssen Noetic Theology, Benjamin Rush
(Master's Thesis) St. John of the Cross and the Denudation of the Soul, Wesley Sutermeister
Submissions from 2013
(Graduate Paper) A History and Analysis of the Missel Romain pour les Diocese du Zaire, Nathan Peter Chase
(Graduate Paper) The Development of the Epiclesis: Alexandrian or Syrian?, Nathan Peter Chase
Submissions from 2011
(Graduate Paper) Short-Term Solution, Long-Term Problem: The Rite of Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest and its Use in the United States of America, Christopher Angel
(Graduate Paper) Welcome (Back): The Use of Initiatory Elements in the Reconciliation of Heretics to the Early Church, Christopher Angel
(Graduate Paper) The Gospel of Matthew: The Temple Cleansing in 21:12-17, Kasey Devine
(Graduate Paper) The "Ladder" of the Lord's Plagues, Kasey DeVine
Submissions from 2010
(Graduate Paper) St. John Chrysostom and His Message of Social Justice Today, Joel Cassady
(Graduate Paper) Trinitarian Christology: The Grammar of The Christian Faith and the Foundation for a Theology of Religious Pluralism, Eric Christensen
(Graduate Paper) Entering into the Profound Mystery: Yves Congar’s Via Media on the Salvation of People of Non-Christian Religions, Elizabeth M. Cunneen
Submissions from 2009
(Graduate Paper) Ego Eimi Formula and a Sense of Continuity in John’s Gospel Chapter Sixth (Jn 6: v.20, vss.35-58), John Changjin Bai
(Graduate Paper) Jesus the Christ as a Jun-Zi in Confucian Perspectives, John Changjin Bai
(Graduate Paper) An Exegesis of 1 Corinthians 12:31 - 13:1-3, Gregory Congote OSB
(Graduate Paper) Gregory Palamas and Hesychasm, Gregory Congote OSB
(Graduate Paper) Modern Usury: The Moral Challenge of Credit Cards in Light of Catholic Teaching and Practice in the Past and the Present, David R. Smoker
Submissions from 2008
(Graduate Paper) Community in the Theology of Søren Aabye Kierkegaard, Nicholas Coffman
(Graduate Paper) Jean-Luc Marion’s Theology of Eucharistic Presence, Nicholas Coffman
(Graduate Paper) Proclaiming the Truth of Beauty, Larry Fraher
(Graduate Paper) Augustine of Hippo and Elizabeth de la Trinite: A Conversation across the Centuries, Vernon W. Goodin
(Graduate Paper) "Who Do You Say That I Am?" The Role of Story in Christology, Vernon W. Goodin
(Graduate Paper) Sufficere, “It Is Enough”: Avarice vs. Simplicity and Detachment in the Rule of Saint Benedict, Arlen M. Hanson
(Graduate Paper) Stories in Stained Glass: An Analysis of the Stained-Glass Windows at Saint Norbert Abbey in De Pere, Wisconsin, Timothy A. Johnston
(Master's Thesis) Wittgenstein and Worship: Investigations of Liturgical Language-Games and Their Formative Role in Christian Identity, Michelle Kathleen Weber
Submissions from 2007
(Graduate Paper) Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Prophet & Martyr, Fr. Michael Calhoun OSB
(Graduate Paper) Saint Basil: Monastic Reformer, Fr. Michael Calhoun OSB
(Graduate Paper) Looking at Conflict Diamonds Through the Lens of Catholic Social Teaching, Heather Cherpelis
(Graduate Paper) “Allegorical Typologies” of the Eucharist: An Analysis of Some Eastern Liturgical Commentaries, Nathaniel G. Costa
(Graduate Paper) “For All the Saints”: A Feast for All People and All Time, Nathaniel G. Costa
(Graduate Paper) Eternal Hope: The Story of Sr. Mary Luke Tobin and Other Women who Participated in Vatican Council II, Megan S. Enninga
(Graduate Paper) Vulgar and Ascetic Christians: the Myth of a Higher Spirituality The rhetoric of monastic profession as a second baptism, August L. Gothman
(Graduate Paper) Active Participation and the Song of the Assembly, William Griffiths
(Graduate Paper) Transforming both the gifts and the people: Eucharistic presence, William Griffiths
(Graduate Paper) “You Can Become All Flame”: Do the Desert Fathers Have Anything to Say to Us Today?, Arlen M. Hanson
(Graduate Paper) Toward a Domestic Ecclesiology: The "Domestic Church" Finds Articulation in Pope John Paul II's "Theology of the Body", Craig James St. Clair
(Graduate Paper) Celebrating the Communion Rite, Jay Stimac
(Graduate Paper) Karl Rahner: On Grace and Salvation, Nicole Streit
(Graduate Paper) One Body, One Spirit, One Priesthood; Many Members, Many Charisms, Many Ministries: Reflections Anglican and Catholic, Cody C. Unterseher
(Graduate Paper) Arianism, Athanasius, and the Effect on Trinitarian Thought, Andy Witchger
(Graduate Paper) How the Parish and School of St. Agnes Creates Vocations, Andy Witchger
Submissions from 2006
(Graduate Paper) How Paul and the Jerusalem Council Might Speak to Division in the Twenty-First Century Church, Mary Birmingham
(Graduate Paper) How Paul and the Jerusalem Council Might Speak to Division in the Twenty-First Century Church, Mary Birmingham
(Master's Thesis) Becoming One Spirit: Origen and Evagrius Ponticus on Prayer, Hilary Case OSB
(Graduate Paper) Syncletica: Urban Ascetic and Desert Mother, Susan Dreyer OSB
(Graduate Paper) The Education of Heloise in Twelfth-Century France, Susan Dreyer OSB
(Graduate Paper) A Woman of the Reformation, Megan S. Enninga
(Graduate Paper) A Key and Classic Text: Ephesians 5:21-33, Katinka Nadine Ellen Evers
(Graduate Paper) Concealing to Reveal: Modesty in Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, Katinka Nadine Ellen Evers
(Graduate Paper) Sex in the City of God, Diana Macalintal