School of Theology and Seminary Graduate Papers/Theses
Date of Award
Spring 5-8-2017
Document Type
Master's Thesis
Degree Name
Master of Theology (Th.M)
School of Theology and Seminary
First Advisor
Kathryn Lilla Cox
Second Advisor
Charles Bobertz
Subject Categories
African Languages and Societies | Ethics in Religion | Religion
This thesis proposes the practice of communal parenting in the Igbo culture as critical to strengthening the godparent/godchild bond by way of offering a moral response to baby stealing and childlessness in Nigeria. It examines how practices such as spiritual intercession, catastrophic fertility expenditure, extramarital conception, baby stealing, and baby factories are impacting Igbo Christian families. It exposes the Igbo beliefs about marriage and fertility; explores the meaning of Igbo marriage, marital fruitfulness, and progeny, as well as the Igbo tradition of co-parenting and how this practice has responded to childlessness. It highlights how the Igbo society's shift from "co-parenting" (e.g., relatives, friends, godparents, community) to "sole-parenting" (only the nuclear family) has isolated childless couples, thereby driving baby stealing and merchandizing. The work looks at rituals, baptism and spiritual kinship in the Roman Catholic tradition and how co-parenting can reinforce godparent/godchild relationship. It argues for a retrieval of co-parenting, already existent in the Igbo tradition, as a superstructure on which to build a stronger godparent/godchild bond as a way of providing a more adequate moral response to childlessness, which fuels baby stealing in our society.
Recommended Citation
Omeike, Henry U., "A Theological Retrieval of Communal Parenting as a Moral Response to Baby Stealing and Childlessness in Nigeria" (2017). School of Theology and Seminary Graduate Papers/Theses. 1913.
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