The Holy Spirit and Power : The Catholic Charismatic Renewal
Kilian McDonnell OSB
In a theological sense [the charismatic renewal movement] touches what is central to the gospel and to the mystery of the Church. The renewal raises substantive theological issues. The present volume of essays is an attempt to clarify some of these issues at the level of serious theological reflection but in a language which is nontechnical. [from the Preface]
Preface; The Person of the Holy Spirit; Baptism in the Holy Spirit in the New Testament; The Holy Spirit and Christian Initiation; Baptism in the Holy Spirit: Pastoral Implications; The Charismatic Renewal as Experience; The Ecclesiological Context of the Charismatic Renewal; Liturgy and Charisms; Ecumenical Problems and Possibilities -
Polyhedron Models for the Classroom
Magnus J. Wenninger OSB
The study of polyhedra is an ancient one, going back to the dawn of history. It is especially those polyhedra called uniform that have evoked the greatest interest and provided the most fascination. It should therefore be of special usefulness in classrooms today for students to see and handle paper models they have made. Making models is a genuine outlet for the creative spirit, and it can also stimulate interest in the study of mathematics. The cube, the tetrahedron, the cone, the cylinder, the sphere, shown on the front cover, are basic objects in such a study. This booklet gives instructions on how to make models like the cube and the tetrahedron. The cube has six square faces and the tetrahedron has four triangular faces. Models with faces that are other polygons, such as pentagons, hexagons, etc., are also shown in this booklet. The cone with a circular base and the cylinder with circular top and base and the sphere belong to higher mathematics. The models in this booklet when made will enhance the appearance of the classroom.
The Savior's Healing: Sermons for the New Rites of Penance and the Anointing of the Sick
Emeric Anthony Lawrence OSB
"The years since Vatican II have witnessed a revision or an updating not only of the Mass but of the ritual of all the sacraments. It is no secret that these changes have not met with the approval of many Catholics. I join some of my fellow priests in the belief that the main reason for the dismay of many of the laity was insufficient catechesis -- or no catechesis at all -- on our part. We simply did not prepare our congregations for the changes. To remedy this situation at least in part, now that the American Catholic Church gets ready to implement the latest and final ritual revision, is the purpose of this series of sermons on Penance and the Anointing of the Sick. The changes are not very drastic, but there are some innovations which, if they are not explained beforehand, will seem strange to our people." [from the book's introduction, "To My Fellow Priests"]
Upon These Rocks: Catholics in the Bahamas
Colman J. Barry OSB
Comprehensive history of Catholics in the Bahamas.
Famine in China and the Missionary: Timothy Richard as Relief Administrator and Advocate of National Reform, 1876-1884
P. Richard Bohr
“The most disastrous famine in recent Chinese history took place between 1876 and 1879, afflicting all five provinces of North China [Shantung, Chihli, Honan, Shensi, and Shansi] and claiming no fewer than nine and a half million human lives [….] The hunger, pestilence, and violence brought about by the famine presented an overwhelming challenge to government and foreign relief efforts [.…] Despite these obstacles, however, Timothy Richard of the Baptist Missionary Society succeeded in organizing an effective, systematic scheme of relief distribution in several districts of Shantung and Shansi. His work on the scene in turn stimulated the foreign community to organize the China Famine Relief Fund Committee, and his method of rendering aid set the pattern of foreign almsgiving which did much to ease the suffering of thousands [….]
“This study analyzes Richard’s role in the North China famine and evaluates his contribution to the relief effort. It concentrates on Richard’s initial distribution attempts in Shantung, 1876-1877, and his more extensive activities in Shansi, 1877-1879. By comparing Richard’s relief measures with those of the Ch’ing government as well as with those of the foreign distributors supported by the China Famine Relief Fund Committee, the study attempts to describe the various approaches to the problem of famine relief and to illuminate the many difficulties encountered by Chinese and foreigners in the relief work.
“However, it is not only Richard’s relief program that must be considered. The impact of the famine on the subsequent course of Richard’s missionary career forms an important part of the whole famine story. For Richard emerged from the calamity convinced that he must urge China’s leaders to eradicate the basic causes of famine and similar natural disasters and to elevate the physical as well as the spiritual welfare of the rural masses. In the years during and immediately following the Great Famine, Richard evolved the basis of a broad scheme of national reform which aimed at China’s modernization for the purpose of rooting out the poverty and misery of Chinese life. The study will assess the early reform proposals which Richard put forth between 1876 and 1884, the year he returned to England on furlough. The groundwork of his reform ideas will be examined along with his actual attempts to promote national reform and economic developments, from his first conversations with Chinese officials to his decision to appeal to the Chinese literati at large through the Chinese-language press.”
--from the Introduction. -
The Baptism in the Holy Spirit as an Ecumenical Problem : Two Essays Relating the Baptism in the Holy Spirit to Sacramental Life
Kilian McDonnell OSB and Arnold Bittinger
Includes Arnold Bittlinger's "Baptized in Water and Spirit: Aspects of Christian Initiation" and Kilian McDonnell's "Baptism in the Holy Spirit as an Ecumenical Problem."
The Death Peddlers: War on the Unborn
Paul Marx OSB
A commentary on the Symposium on Implementation of Therapeutic Abortion, Los Angeles, 1971.
Catholic Pentecostalism : Problems in Evaluation
Kilian McDonnell OSB
"The author bases his observations [of Catholic Pentecostalism] on four years of research.[...]The method used in research was that of participatory observation. Therefore the conclusions are based not only on printed documents, which in Pentecostalism are often misleading, but on extensive field research.[...] The chief concern here is to show why an objective evaluation of Pentecostalism within Catholicism is difficult."
Growing up in Christ: The Glad News of God's Presence
Jeanne Beaumont and Placid Stuckenschneider OSB
John Calvin, the Church, and the Eucharist
Kilian McDonnell OSB
In the past, Calvin’s Eucharistic doctrine was studied almost exclusively against the background of the Lutheran and Zwinglian controversies. However his initial Eucharistic position and his initial polemics are more specifically anti-Roman than anti-Lutheran. Therefore one cannot understand Calvin’s Eucharistic doctrine, even in its definitive form, if one confines oneself to the anti-Lutheran and anti-Zwinglian writings, even if these writings, taken quantitatively, far exceed those of his anti-Roman polemics. It goes without saying that neither can the controversies with the Lutherans and the Zwinglians be neglected in any appraisal of Calvin’s Eucharistic doctrine. The 1559 edition of the Institutes gives the definitive form of Calvin’s doctrine. This book limits itself to Calvin’s doctrine as found in this edition. [adapted from the Introduction]
The New Liturgy: A Documentation, 1903-1965
R. Kevin Seasoltz OSB
A collection of documents on the liturgy from the Holy See in the twentieth century.
"A welcome addition to the texts themselves is [Seasoltz's] introduction, which traces the development of the liturgical movement up to the time of the constitution on the liturgy." [from the Foreward] -
Readings in Science and Spirit
Don Talafous OSB
The problem of evil / Yves Congar --
The race to create life / Leonard Engel --
Spontaneous generation and creation / William Schmitt --
The time of man / Loren Eiseley --
The phenomenon of man / Martin Brennan --
The origin of the universe / A.S.B. Lovell --
Man and faith / Paul Tillich --
Some views upon the nature of the relationship between the mind and brain / Sir Fancis Walshe --
Is the concept of self necessary? / Gordon Allport --
The origin of religion / Henri De Lubac --
Relearning symbols / Gerald Vann --
Christianity and the world religions / R.C. Zaehner --
Selections / Blaise Pascal --
Selfections / Soren Kierkegaard --
Selections / Albert Camus --
The existence of God and conteporary materialism / Albert Dondeyne --
Foundations of the faith / Jean Danielou. -
Homilies for the Year and Prayers of the Faithful
Emeric Anthony Lawrence OSB
"All my priestly life I have had a distaste for 'canned' sermons and have never used them except for an occasional idea. Then I write a book of homilies! This calls for justification and an explanation. One the one hand, not all priests share my antipathy to other men's sermons and sermon outlines. In fact, most of the encouragement I needed to finish this book came from fellow priests who found these homilies useful. I do not think, however, that any of the priests to whom I gave copies actually preached (or read) them word for word. It would have been most unfortunate if they had. I am strongly convinced that a sermon should be preached, not read. And it should be one's very own. If a preacher uses ideas he finds elsewhere, as almost everyone does, he should absorb the ideas, apply them to his personal life, add to them from his own experience and meditation so that when he speaks them they actually belong to them. It is in this way that I hope this book might be helpful to my fellow priests." [from the book's Introduction]
Sunday Mass Book: A Missal in Simple Wording
Catholic Church and Placid Stuckenschneider OSB
"This is an 'in-between' missal. It is especially for older boys and girls who have been using a child's missal, and who are now ready for all the prayers of the Mass, as in the adult missal. This missal aims to give the complete Mass, but the prayers and the parts from the Bible have been made shorter and easier to follow." [from the Introduction, "This Missal and You"]
The House of God: Sacred Art and Church Architecture
R. Kevin Seasoltz OSB
The present work is an attempt to examine and interpret the more important current canonical legislation with regard to church building and sacred art. The discussion throughout is based on a historical, theological, and pastoral concept of a church as a house of God and His people. The work is not intended to be an exhaustive study but is designed to give priests and religious, architects and artists, and those laymen who are patrons of the arts, a fundamental understanding of the liturgical requirements of ecclesiastical architecture and sacred art. [from the Foreward]
Blessed Old Age
Paschal Botz OSB
"Old age has written glorious chapters in the history of mankind, in every field of religion and virtue, learning and culture, government and the professions. A young generation would be ungrateful, as well as unwise, were it not to plant itself squarely on the spiritual wisdom, the serene detachment, and warm kindliness of its elders." [page 5]
Thanksgiving after Holy Communion
Paschal Botz OSB
"The important thing in our thanksgiving is to remain in personal contact with our Lord and to speak with Him. But how? It is with great reluctance that one lays down norms for others to use in so intimate and holy a moment. Yet experience shows how aimless, how neglectful, how fruitless our efforts can be after holy Communion. This experience prompts me to formulate an actual thanksgiving based on certain truths of faith that need emphasis." [from the book's Introduction]
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