Erinnerungen an Guido Zernatto : Unbekanntes aus der Schreibtischlade eines Österreichers aus Kärnten
Otmar M. Drekonja
Kärnten 1920; Wien 1927 bis 1931; Der Nachlaß aus der Heiligenstädterstraße; Auswahl von Gedichten aus dem Nachlaß; Bibliographie -
Behind the Beginnings: Benedictine Women in America
M. Incarnata Girgen OSB
This study is an attempt to present two sisters who played parts in establishing the Benedictines in America: Mother Benedicta Riepp, the foundress of Eichstätt Benedictine Sisters in America, and Mother Willibalda Scherbauer, who brought them to Minnesota. To accomplish this purpose, the greater part of the study consists of letters to, by, or about Mother Benedicta and Mother Willibalda.
Lectionary for Mass : English Translation Approved by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and Confirmed by the Apostolic See
Emeric Anthony Lawrence OSB, Catholic Church, and Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops
Loose-leaf lectionary with ready-to-read weekday Scripture guide by Emeric A. Lawrence, OSB. Continually updated resource.
The Word in Worship : Preaching in a Liturgical Context
William Skudlarek OSB
Scripture, says William Skudlarek, should be the foundation of all worship. Closely examining both the Roman Catholic and Protestant lectionaries, he stresses that the best preaching and liturgical expression are biblically centered. A balanced presentation of these two, with scripture as their common element, results in the most vital and meaningful of worship experiences. Dr. Skudlarek ably reveals how the lectionary is flexible so that a pastor can preach from it year-round, yet stay relevant to the day's issues. He also demonstrates the close relation of preaching to the sacraments, while paying special attention to preaching the Eucharist. He then does the same for baptisms, weddings, and funerals. This is a volume that both Protestants and Roman Catholics will find highly useful.
How Jesus Came
Thomas Peter Wahl OSB and Gertrud Mueller Nelson
Retells the story of the birth of Jesus and the visits of the shepherds and the wise men for children.
Presence, Power, Praise : Documents on the Charismatic Renewal
Kilian McDonnell OSB
3 volumes: Volume I--Continental, National, and Regional Documents; Numbers 1 to 37, 1960-1974. Volume II--Continental, National, and Regional Documents; Numbers 38 to 80, 1975-1979. Volume III--International Documents; Numbers 1 to 11, 1973-1980.
New Liturgy, New Laws
R. Kevin Seasoltz OSB
From the book's Introduction:
"In order that the official documents of liturgical renewal might be situated in their proper theological and historical context, and consequently be more accurately interpreted, the following pages seek to provide an overview of significant theological and historical developments in the liturgy during the years that immediately preceded, spanned, and followed the Second Vatican Council." -
Sacred Art at St. John's Abbey
Wilfred Theisen OSB and Mark J. Twomey
"This booklet aims to help the visitors to St. John's Abbey appreciate and remember in part the works of sacred art assembled in the church, library, and elsewhere on the Collegeville campus. Nearly fifteen hundred years ago St. Benedict in his Rule expressed the hope that even the casual visitor to a monastery would sense the presence of God within its walls and be moved to prayer. It is for this reason that sacred art has retained its prominence in the Benedictine tradition." [from the book's introduction]
Runways to God: The Psalms as Prayer
Paschal Botz OSB
The author's purpose here is to serve the reader with something pertinent to prayer, as it rises from each Psalm. The pattern of this commentary is simple. First, each Psalm is presented in its Old Testament framework of origin, literal meaning, and purpose, with a minimum of space given to its classification and the interesting points that fill other commentaries. Second, the commentary interprets this literal reality (including the difficult parts of the Psalms) in the light of Christ and the New Testament. The entire Old Testament prepares for Him and His Kingdom. Therefore to seek the fulfillment sense is not a minimum law (applicable to a few verses), but a maximum one (Cardinal Newman). The Psalms are forward-looking; they speak about Christ. The search for this final sense of the Psalms has occupied the Church in every generation; it must engage our best efforts in comparing one spiritual world with another, with the help of God, who is Author of both. [From the Preface]
Behind the Pine Curtain: Portraits of Peter Prep
Simeon Thole OSB and Placid Stuckenschneider OSB
A series of pen portraits examines the personalities of several members of the faculty and student body of St. Peter's Prep involved in two related incidents.
Charismatic Renewal and Ecumenism
Kilian McDonnell OSB
This present document is directed to those in positions of pastoral leadership in the church. It seeks to clarify the main theological issues which determine ecumenical attitudes and actions. Mainly its purpose is to indicate what norms should guide ecumenism at the local level, and therefore it is pastoral in character. [from the book's Acknowledgements section]
Acknowledgments; Astonishment and Evangelization; Churchless Christianity and the Vaporization of the Church; Communion: The Self-Understanding of the Church; Conciliar and Roman Ecumenical Norms; The Ecumenical Point of Contact; Pastoral Suggestions; Epilogue; Notes -
Polyhedron Models
Magnus J. Wenninger OSB
Models of the regular and semi-regular polyhedral solids have fascinated people for centuries. The Greeks knew the simplest of them. Since then the range of figures has grown; 75 are known today and are called, more generally, 'uniform' polyhedra. The author describes simply and carefully how to make models of all the known uniform polyhedra and some of the stellated forms. Fully illustrated with drawings and photographs, this is the first practical guide to making these intricate and beautiful solids
Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution : Selected Letters and Papers, 1776-1790
Stanley J. Idzerda and Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier Lafayette marquis de
A New Meditating the Gospels
Emeric Anthony Lawrence OSB
"Twenty years ago I wrote Meditating the Gospels, a series of conversations with our Lord about the Sunday and feast day gospels. Many changes have taken place in twenty years[....]The one element that not only remains but has become much more intense is the constantly-growing interest in prayer and meditation by Christians of all denominations.[...]I hope that this book will be of some help to all who wish to grow in loving awareness of their personal relationship with God as well as their own personal fulfillment." [from the Introduction]
Bicentennial Convocations at Sage Chapel
Stanley J. Idzerda, Robert Neelly Bellah, and Milton R. Konvitz
"Three sermons on the nation's bicentennial delivered at Sage Chapel, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York."
Charismatic Renewal and the Churches
Kilian McDonnell OSB
The major portion of the book is a review of the psychological research on Pentecostals and charismatics. The research is in large part a study of people who speak or pray in tongues. I also study the reaction of the churches from the psychological perspective. The other chapters in the book, that on the theological understanding of charism as a human experience, that on social theory as applied to the Pentecostal-charismatic movement, have as their function making understandable the dilemma of the churches as they were confronted with the phenomenon in their midst. [adapted from the Introduction]
France and the American War for Independence
Stanley J. Idzerda and Roger Everett Smith
Discusses the moral, financial, and military support of the American Revolution by France which, after being ejected from North America in 1763, became an ally of the new nation.
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