Scales Out of Balance
Lawrence "Larry" Schug
With a unique voice, a proud regionalism, Schug captures with his poetry the spirit, the character, the strengths, and quirks of the people who make up the colorful quilt of rural and small-town Minnesota.
Cuba: A Different America
Wilber A. Chaffee and Gary Prevost
This well-balanced and objective work attempts to present the reality of contemporary Cuban life, particularly the social progress that the Cuban government has made over the past quarter-century. All the authors, who are from various backgrounds and have a wide range of expertise, have visited Cuba and investigated particular aspects of Cuban society.
Theology of Priesthood and Seminary Formation: Issues of Assembly II
Daniel K. Finn, Zeni Fox, John O'Malley, and Robert Schwartz
Introduction, by Rev. Robert J. Wister; Ordained Ministry: Sign of Leadership and Unity in the Great Sacrament of the Church, by Rev. Robert Schwartz; A Response, by Rev. Robert Schreiter, CPPS; A Response, by Msgr. George H. Niederauer; Diocesan and Religious Models of Formation – Historical Perspectives, by Rev. John O’Malley, SJ; Preparing for Collaborative Ministry, by Dr. Zeni Fox; A Response, by Rev. John E. Linnan, CSV; Response, by Rev. Robert J. Cook; Theological Scholarship: Freedom and Responsibility in the Seminary Setting, by Dr. Daniel Finn; A Response, by Rev. Frederick M. Jelly, OP; A Response, by Rev. Thomas D. McGonigle, OP.
Lafayette, Hero of Two Worlds : The Art and Pageantry of His Farewell Tour of America, 1824-1825 : Essays
Stanley J. Idzerda, Anne C. Loveland, and Marc H. Miller
Produced to accompany an exhibition commemorating General Gilbert du Motier Lafayette's triumphal visit to America nearly 50 years after the outbreak of the American Revolution--in which his participation proved indispensable--this felicitous mesh of history and art presents such curiosities as a coach that carried Lafayette from Albany to Buffalo and a breast pin con taining locks of Lafayette's and George Washington's hair. Idzerda (co-editor of Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution ) contributes a biographical essay. Loveland ( Emblem of Liberty: The Image of Lafayette in the American Mind ) captures the reactions of the populace to this hero of two revolutions and defines the manner in which his visit acted as ``a crucial impetus to American nationalism.'' Miller, curator of the Queens (N.Y.) Museum, distinguishes the styles of portraits and busts of the period, examines Lafayette's influence on the restoration of Revolutionary War sites and traces the shapes of monuments to their classical origins.
Why You Can Disagree-- and Remain a Faithful Catholic
Philip S. Kaufman OSB
This popular bestseller has been greatly revised and expanded to include new insights on conscience, infallibility, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Open the Windows : The Popes and Charismatic Renewal
Kilian McDonnell OSB
Open the Windows contains the popes' public statements of pastoral direction, counsel and encouragement to the charismatic renewal in the Catholic Church. The editor, Fr. Kilian McDonnell, osb, is a consultor to the Vatican Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity and the founder of the Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research. His introductory essay documents the presence of the charismatic gifts in the early church's rites of initiation.
Training and Habilitating Developmentally Disabled People : An Introduction
Richard M. Wielkiewicz and Christiane R.X. Calvert
How can an employer determine whether a prospective employee is suited to serving the developmentally disabled? What rights does a developmentally disabled person have? Are certain skills necessary for service providers to successfully train developmentally disabled people to support themselves and live independently? Answering these and other challenging questions, this volume emphasizes the practical issues surrounding the implementation of behavioural programmes. It provides a hands-on introduction to basic knowledge useful in training mentally disabled people.
The Ideal of Heimat in the Works of Hermann Hesse
Andreas Kiryakakis
This analysis of the ideal of Heimat in Hesse's Demian, Siddhartha and Steppenwolf is a significant contribution to Hesse scholarship, as well as a fascinating re-evaluation of the culture-bound concept of Heimat itself. Kiryakakis shows how the three novels form a trilogy, with each successive hero expanding upon and benefitting from the experiences of his precursor, and draws parallels between the novels and Hesse's own tenuous relationship to his Heimat. Using both textual and biographical analysis, he examines the three novels within the framework of a continuum, which reflects various developmental stages in the heros' search for the lost ideal of Heimat. Thus he shows how, ultimately, the trilogy not only depicts the development of an individual, but epitomizes the very nature of twentieth-century existence.
At Worship with Mary: A Pastoral and Theological Study
Christopher O'Donnell O.Carm. and Placid Stuckenschneider OSB
With historical and liturgical finesse, the author approaches fifteen celebrations of the Mother of God in the prayer life of the Church. He elucidates the scriptural texts of each feast, analyzes the prayers of the faithful, and presents pertinent Church documents, all helping us enter more deeply into the theological, spiritual and pastoral implications of the Marian feasts.
Euripides’ Iphigenia at Aulis
Donald Richardson and Scott Richardson
There have been some excellent efforts by modern translators in rendering the choral parts of Aristophanes’ comedies as discernibly entertaining songs, but so far there has been little serious endeavor toward doing the same with the songs of tragedy. This translation is an attempt to do that. The songs herein are unmistakably songs. The content, tone, and themes of each are strictly Euripides’; their formats and musical idioms are modern.
Because this is not a line-for-line translation and because we have taken liberties with the lyrics, we are calling this an adaptation rather than a translation. In our own minds it is a translation, however, for it is more in keeping with the spirit of Iphigenia at Aulis than any other version we know of.
Music has been composed for all the songs. It has been arranged for keyboard, guitar, bass, and drums and is available through either collaborator upon request. [from the Preface] -
A Sense of Place: Saint John's of Collegeville
Colman J. Barry OSB and Robert L. Spaeth
A collection of personal essays by alumni and friends of St. John's Abbey and University.
Contributors: Robert M. Anderson, Andre Chaveton, Joan Chittister, William Cofell, Leon F. Cook, Esther de Waal, David Durenberger, C. Jack Eichorst, Albert A. Eisele, John Tracy Ellis, Carmela Virgillo Franklin, Robert M. Gavin, David Gibson, Penny Gill, Andrew Greeley, Benedict Haeg, Jon Hassler, A.A. Heckman, Robert W. Hovda, Fred Hughes, Bob Jensen, Eugene J.McCarthy, Roger J. Nierengarten, James O'Gara, Albert C. Outler, Jaroslav Pelikan, Betty Wahl Powers, john R. Roach, John E. Simonett, George A. Sinner, Anthony Ugolnik. -
Theology of the Land
Bernard F. Evans and Gregory D. Cusack
“Theology of the Land” is an ongoing study of the National Catholic Rural Life Conference and the Virgil Michel Ecumenical Chair in Rural Social Ministries (St. John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota). This volume contains the papers presented at a 1985 conference on this subject.
Authors and topics: Leonard Weber, “Land Use Ethics: The Social Responsibility of Ownership”; Walter Bruggemann, “Land: Fertility and Justice”; C. Dean Freudenberger, “Implications of a New Land Ethic”; John Hart, “Land, Theology, and the Future”; Richard Cartwright Austin, “Rights for Life: Rebuilding Human Relationships with Land.” -
Q: The Sayings of Jesus
Ivan Havener OSB and Polag Athanasius OSB
Includes selections from the Gospels in the Revised Standard version according to the arrangement in Polag, A. Fragmenta Q., 1982.
For over a century, biblical scholars have agreed that parts of the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) are picked up from a previous source—a lost gospel, which is popularly called Q (from the German word Quelle which means source).The Q-hypothesis rests on very solid grounds and most scholars accept it. This book tells us all about it. It also discusses some unresolved questions (such as: Was Q written in Aramaic or Greek?).
The reconstruction of Q, the lost gospel, is a challenging and formidable task. Using various critical literary methods, leading scholars have undertaken the work, and the reconstruction work of the German scholar Athanasius Polag is a major achievement. The author has enhanced and clarified his book by translating Polag’s reconstruction of Q.
Living Bread, Saving Cup : Readings on the Eucharist
R. Kevin Seasoltz OSB
The articles on Eucharistic liturgy given here are reprinted from the pages of Worship magazine. This expanded edition of the 1982 printing includes three additional essays: Justice and the Eucharist" by R. Kevin Seasoltz, O.S.B.; "Stipends and Eucharistic Praxis" by M. Francis Mannion; and "Stipends in the New Code of Canon Law" by John M. Huels, O.S.M.
Risen and with You Always
Emeric Anthony Lawrence OSB
This is the third book in a series of meditations on the daily Masses of the three seasons of the Church year -- Advent, Lent, and now the Easter Season.[...]Hopefully these books have given their readers a deeper insight into Jesus and his Word and work that a greater intimacy with him will have resulted. [from "The Easter Season" (the author's forward to this book)]
A Handbook on Canons 573-746: Religious Institutes, Secular Institutes, Societies of the Apostolic Life
Jordan F. Hite, Sharon Holland, and Daniel J. Ward OSB
Introduction / Francis G. Morrisey --
Norms common to all institutes of consecrated life : canons 573-606 / Ellen O'Hara --
Religious houses and governance : canons 607-633 / Margaret Mary Modde --
Temporal goods : canons 634-640 / Joan de Lourdes Leonard --
Admission of candidates and formation of members : canons 641-661 / Jordan Hite --
Obligations and rights : canons 662-672, 277, 285-287, 289, 279, [Section] 2 / David F. O'Connor --
The apostolate of institutes : canons 673-683 / Richard A. Hill --
Separation of members from the institute : canons 684-709 / Elizabeth McDonough --
Secular institutes : canons 710-730 / Thomas E. Molloy --
Societies of apostolic life : canons 731-746 / Cecil L. Parres --
Monastic life under the rule of St. Benedict and the new Code / Daniel J. Ward --
Glossary / Sharon Holland.
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