Transnational Social Movements and Global Politics: Solidarity Beyond the State
Jackie Smith, Charles Chatfield, and Ron Pagnucco
Transnational Social Movements and Global Social Politics examines a cast of global actors left out of the traditional studies of international politics. It generates a theoretically informed view of the relationships between an emerging global civil society - partly manifested in transnational social movements - and international political institutions. This book consists of fifteen essays, all written by experts in the field. The first three parts analyze the rise of transnational social movements in the context of broad twentieth-century trends. A fourth part builds a theoretical framework from which organizations influencing global governance can be viewed.
The Catechetical Documents: A Parish Resource
Martin Connell
Gathered in this one book, you'll find the major teachings about catechesis from the Second Vatican Council until the present. This is an essential reference tool for teachers, catechists, clergy, pastoral leaders and students of catechesis. Includes General Catechetical Directory (1971), Basic Teachings for Catholic Religious Education, Sharing the Light of Faith, Guidelines for Doctrinally Sound Catechetical Materials and many others. Each document is preceded by a general overview that describes the origin, context and contribution of the document.
Gifts of the Spirit & Whispers of God
Thomas Fletcher-Michaels and Placid Stuckenschneider OSB
This collection of thoughtful, frequently prayerful, and always poetic statements by Thomas Fletcher-Michaels[...]distill a wisdom that is at once philosophical and practical. They are accompanied by the woodcuts of Brother Placid Stuckenschneider, O.S.B., which originally appeared on the covers of Celebrating the Eucharist, the Sunday and weekly missalettes. [from the Foreward]
Ethnic Foodways in Minnesota: Handbook of Food and Wellness Across Cultures
Diane Veale Jones and Mary E. Darling
Short essays discussing food habits and health beliefs of major Minnesota ethnic groups, including African-Americans, Hmong-Americans, Mexican-Americans, and Native Americans, as well as such religious groups as Jewish, Eastern Orthodox Christianity, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Seventh-day Adventist, and Church of Latter-Day Saints.
Der Wanderer of St. Paul: The First Decade, 1867-1877: A Mirror of the German-Catholic Immigrant Experience in Minnesota
John S. Kulas OSB
Examines the role, influence, and effectiveness of the German- language newspaper in its goal of preserving among immigrants in frontier Minnesota both a functioning German society and a faithful Catholic Church. Considers the relationship between the newspaper and the community, the experience of immigration, preserving ethnic heritage, literature, music, illustrations, and other aspects of life. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Sunday Mealtime Prayers
Michael Kwatera OSB
Sunday Mealtime Prayers provides families a convenient blend of mealtime prayers (at midday or in the evening) and the Liturgy of the Hours on Sunday. It arranges the traditional elements of the Church's daily prayer (psalms, Scripture readings, and intercessions) around the Sunday brunch or supper and includes selections of these elements within a simple, unchanging format. The eighteen sets of prayers are arranged according to the seasons of the liturgical year.
The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan : The Trinitarian and Cosmic Order of Salvation
Kilian McDonnell OSB
The feast of the baptism of Jesus is the second most ancient liturgical celebration and is among the major mysteries of Christ. The synoptics mention Jesus' baptism in the Jordan, and John's Gospel gives a report of it, indicating its importance.
The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan, a systematic study, isolates those themes (Trinitarian, cosmic, sinlessness, liturgical, messianic, divinization, orientation to a future paradise, descent into Sheol/hell, institution of the sacrament of baptism) with which the early Church proclaimed and celebrated the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan. Drawing on Latin, Greek, and Syrian sources, Father McDonnell shows the Jordan event as the dominant paradigm of Christian baptism in the earliest centuries, and also presents its relation to growing interest in the Pauline death and resurrection themes in the fourth century.
Because it was widely looked upon as the institution of Christian baptism, this history is relevant to contemporary theology and to the liturgical celebration of Christian baptism. The way the early Church used the baptism of Jesus to communicate the central truths of the faith, especially proclaiming the call to holiness the vocation to participate in the divine life is still valuable today.
Monastic Interreligious Dialogue: Notes on Phase VII, 15 June-27 June 1995
Aaron Raverty OSB and Monastic Interreligious Dialogue
Report of Phase VII of the Buddhist/Christian Spiritual Exchange sponsored by the Board of Monastic Interreligious Dialogue.
The Critical Poem : Borges, Paz, and Other Language-Centered Poets in Latin America
Thorpe Running
In this book, scholar Thorpe Running shows that a skeptical approach to both language and poetry places eight poets from three countries in Latin America within a strain of poetry prefigured by Stephane Mallarme. Octavio Paz, Jorge Luis Borges, Roberto Juarroz, Alejandra Pizarnik, Alberto Girri, Juan Luis Martinez, Gonzalo Millan, and David Huerta span three different generations. In addition to their age and geographical differences, their poetry bears no obvious similarities. All eight, however, are poetas pensantes, or thinking poets, and underlying the work of these probing writers is the disturbing question: Does language do what it is supposed to do? The answer is negative for all these poets who see their poems as being made up of words that don't work.
The Life of the Holy Hildegard
Godefridus 12th cent. monk, Theodoricus 12th cent., Adelgundis Führkkötter OSB, Mary Palmquist, John S. Kulas OSB, and James McGrath
The life of Hildegard of Bingen by two of her contemporaries brings this German mystic to life in excerpts from her own writings. This twelfth-century Benedictine abbess exorcized demons; healed the sick; warned sister convents and monasteries against the dangers of a "soft" life; preached to the laity on her journeys; incurred an interdict against her convent rather than obey an order she knew was wrong; founded a new convent, separated from her original monastery, and then successfully negotiated the transfer of her nuns' dowries from reluctant monks. When Hildegard needed answers or protection, she went to the top - to her archbishop, to Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, to Pope Eugene III, or to St. Bernard of Clairvaux. And then she dared to revile Barbarossa when he continued to back the antipopes, even though he was the protector of her convent. Led to act by her visions, she tried, like Jonah, to ignore God's promptings. She stalled, resisted, and became deathly ill. Each time Hildegard recovered as soon as she obeyed God's hard orders. An authority on medicine, herbal remedies, natural science, music, and theology, Hildegard scolded, instructed, refused, and loved. She was a liberated woman.
Aristotle in Outline
Timothy A. Robinson
I. Wisdom and Science. The Four Causes. The Vocabulary of Science. The Form of Scientific Explanation. What Wisdom Knows: The Soul; The Gods.
II. Aristotle’s Ethics. Appendix: The Virtues and Vices. Narrative Descriptions. Schematic Summary.
III. Politics. The State and the Polis. What the State Is For. The Forms of Government. The Best Form of Government.
Bibliographic Essay.
Index. -
The Little Notebook : The Journal of a Contemporary Woman's Encounters with Jesus
William Skudlarek OSB, Hilary Thimmesh OSB, and Nicole Gausseron
The notebook of a woman living in Chartres, France who had visitations from Jesus during the years 1984-1991. Nicole Gausseron experienced Jesus' presence both in church and the outside world, even entering dialogues with her. These dialogues form the basis of this notebook.
The World of the Desert Fathers : Stories and Sayings from the Anonymous Series of the Apophthegmata Patrum
Columba Stewart OSB
These stories and sayings of the Desert Fathers, in a translation by Columba Stewart, give insights into a tradition where words have a resonance beyond their surface meaning. They are intended to lead the reader further along the way of Christ. Columba Stewart provides an introduction to each section to help us understand the world of the early monks.
Queens, Regents, and Potentates
Theresa Vann
This series focuses on the exercise of power, influence and authority by particular categories, ranks and types of women in medieval societies, and by individual women; on the limitations, restrictions and inhibitions placed or assumed on such activity; on the opportunities open to women, and on the strategems by which women were able to give effect to these possibilities. Queens, Regents and Potentatesconcentrates on the theme of women and royal power, examining the available information about specific royal women and reassessing their access to and use of power and authority, and drawing significant new conclusions about internal politics and international relations in medieval Europe
Behavior Management in the Schools : Principles and Procedures
Richard M. Wielkiewicz
This text provides an introduction to the principles of behavior modification and the specific information needed to apply these principles successfully in a school environment. Emphasis is on closing the gap between theory and practice through step-by-step procedures for developing, modifying, and fading out behavior management programs. Part 1 presents the basic principles in four chapters, which cover a systematic approach to child behavior management, basic principles of child management and behavior modification, procedures for assessment and management of behavior problems, and issues in designing an appropriate behavior management program. Part 2 is on application procedures and begins with a chapter on prevention of behavior management problems in the school, regular classroom, special classroom, and home. The remaining chapters discuss selecting an appropriate behavior management program; management of behavior excesses in the regular classroom, the special classroom, and the home; management of behavior deficits in the regular classroom, the special classroom, and the home. A glossary is provided. (Contains approximately 600 references.)
Threads from Our Tapestry: Benedictine Women in Central Minnesota
Imogene Blatz OSB and Alard Zimmer OSB
In Threads from Our Tapestry, the authors share historical, biographical and human-interest material about the Sisters of Saint Benedict, St. Joseph, Minnesota. Sometimes dramatic, sometimes humorous, the stories included bring out the color of the sisterhood in contrast to their black-and-white image.
Aristotle's Rhetoric: An Art of Character
Eugene Garver
In this major contribution to philosophy and rhetoric, Eugene Garver shows how Aristotle integrates logic and virtue in his great treatise, the Rhetoric. He raises and answers a central question: can there be a civic art of rhetoric, an art that forms the character of citizens? By demonstrating the importance of the Rhetoric for understanding current philosophical problems of practical reason, virtue, and character, Garver has written the first work to treat the Rhetoric as philosophy and to connect its themes with parallel problems in Aristotle's Ethics and Politics. Garver's study will help put rhetoric at the center of investigations of practice and practical reason.
Holistic Healing
Saint Hildegard, Mary Palmquist, John S. Kulas OSB, and Patrick Madigan
The author discusses the use of natural ingredients in diet and therapy to alleviate pain and to foster healing and gives insights into human physiology and pathology. Original Latin title: Causae et curae.
The Reshaping of a Tradition: American Benedictine Women, 1852-1881
Ephrem (Rita) Hollermann OSB
"The primary focus of this book is on the women and the way of life from 1852-1881. In researching this segment of time, the chief aims were 1) to identify the early foundresses of Benedictinism in North America, 2) to describe as far as possible the experiences and role of these women in the early spread of the Order in the United States, and 3) to discover some of the continuities and discontinuities between their life in America and in Europe. The results of this research yielded deeper insight into the nineteenth-century founding experience of American Benedictine women." [from the Introduction, xxvi]
Así Es: Stories of Hispanic Spirituality
Arturo Pérez, Consuelo Covarrubias, Edward Foley, Elena Sánchez Mora, and Sarah Pruett
Así es: Stories of Hispanic Spirituality explores the moments of grace of fifteen Hispanics from Mexican-American, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Guatemalan, and Salvadoran traditions who live in the United States. These women and men, from youth to those who bear the gift of age and wisdom, share their intimate journey with their God.
You will identify with their human struggles, their insights as they cross boundaries from death to life, and their moments of crisis. You will also learn from the memories they share of root experiences, and how they are able to claim their awareness of God's presence working in their lives. These stories reveal how the authors tapped the resources within themselves, their community, and their Church. These stories also share how the authors discovered their God, embracing and passing through the experience of struggle, crisis, joy, transformation, and celebration.
They Came to Teach: The Story of Sisters Who Taught in Parochial Schools and Their Contribution to Elementary Education in Minnesota
Annabelle Raiche CSJ and Ann Marie Biermaier OSB
The participants in the Shared Story Project are pleased to present They Came to Teach, their written account of the contributions of women religious to the education of children in Minnesota.
The Modern Catholic Encyclopedia
Aaron Raverty OSB, Michael Glazier, and Monika Hellwig
This authoritative encyclopedia places a wealth of information in an attractive, easy-to-read format for a reference of value to professionals, parishes, and families alike. Over 1,300 cross-referenced entries cover topics from abbot to Advent wreath, from abortion to vocation, and more than 200 maps, illustrations, drawings, and photographs provide visual information and add to the attractiveness of the handsome volume.
Worship and Work : Saint John's Abbey and University 1856-1992
Colman J. Barry OSB and David J. Klingeman OSB
A history of Saint John's Abbey and Saint John's University in Collegeville, MN.
Protest and Possibility in the Writing of Tillie Olsen
Mara Faulkner OSB
Tillie Olsen's fiction and nonfiction portray, with all their harsh contours, the lives of people who cannot speak for themselves or whose words have been forgotten or ignored. Olsen's writing is neither serene nor despairing. In this sensitive thematic reading, Mara Faulkner shows that its most subversive function is the assertion that human life can be other than and more than it is. Olsen's promise of full creative life aims to make her readers forever dissatisfied with physical, emotional, and intellectual starvation.
In this comprehensive examination of a literature of social consciousness, Faulkner approaches Olsen's work within their historical, social, and political contexts without treating them as propaganda. In fact, she shows that it is Olsen's compressed, poetic style that gives her writing its revolutionary power.
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