The Liturgical Ministry of Deacons
Michael Kwatera OSB
Fr. Michael Kwatera, O.S.B., helps deacons comprehend, share, and effectively perform their ministry by providing both spiritual and functional support. This short work is directed to all deacons, both permanent and transitional, in the hope that it will promote their formation for service within the church's Eucharist, other sacramental rites, and communal prayer. Contents include explanations of the deacon's role in various church situations and liturgies-such as confirmation and marriage-as well as outside of the Mass setting, such as ministering to the sick. With "Petitions for Deacons from Ancient Liturgies" and historical background this book provides an interesting and informative look at the deacon's role in the Catholic Church.
Politics and Change in Spain
Thomas Lancaster and Gary Prevost
Focusing on coalitional decision-making, this book explains the political effects of the transformation of the Spanish regime to a constitutional monarchy following General Franco's death in 1975. Some of the questions which this volume raises are: What happened to the old coalition members? What is their role in the new regime? Do they influence the direction of Spanish democracy? If not, why not? What have been the consequences of any coalitional realignment? Which new coalition members are facilitating change and which are preventing change?
Abraham Joshua Heschel : Exploring His Life and Thought
John C. Merkle
Based on presentations made at the Symposium on the Life and Thought of Abraham Joshua Heschel, held May 9-11, 1983 at the College of Saint Benedict, St. Joseph, Minn.
The genesis of Faith : the Depth Theology of Abraham Joshua Heschel
John C. Merkle
Abraham Joshua Heschel was a leading 20th-century Jewish theologian and philosopher.
Toward a Christian Economic Ethic: Stewardship and Social Power
Prentiss L. Pemberton and Daniel K. Finn
This book is a call to twentieth-century Christians to marshal a new kind of power, to move against special-interest organizations, to build counter-structures, and to effectively challenge the unjust social structures that are the very root of the United States economy.
This book presents an overview of the history of economic ethics in the Judeo-Christian tradition, offers a straightforward explanation and critique of modern economic theory, relates social justice to economic efficiency, applies the Christian economic ethic to contemporary problems, and demonstrates how we can actually empower this ethic in our society. -
Harvest of Grief : Grasshopper Plagues and Public Assistance in Minnesota, 1873-78
Annette Atkins
Atkins eloquently portrays the extreme hardships of Minnesota farmers during the grasshopper plagues of the 1870s. She examines local, state, and national relief efforts, which she reviews in the context of nineteenth-century social welfare philosophy.
The King's Partners in Bracton
Michael Blecker OSB
Examines Bracton's De legibus et consuetudinibus Angliae ("On the Laws and Customs of England"): One of the most famous parts of De legibus, previously considered a later addition or gloss, is the subject of this study. This study hopes to suggest a possible interpretation of the addicio, particularly its most enigmatic phrase: ((Qui socium habet, habet magistrum)).
First Thessalonians, Philippians, Philemon, Second Thessalonians, Colossians, Ephesians
Ivan Havener OSB
Vol. 8 of the Collegeville Bible Commentary
Philip Mazzei : Selected Writings and Correspondence
Stanley J. Idzerda, Filippo Mazzei, Marghertia Marchione, and S. Eugene Scalia
Vol. 1. 1765-1788 : Virginia's agent during the American Revolution --
v. 2. 1788-1791 : Agent for the King of Poland during the French Revolution --
v. 3. 1792-1816 : World citizen. -
A Parade of Saints
Mark J. Twomey and Placid Stuckenschneider OSB
Forty-three stories providing biographies of fifty-two saints who gave special service and love to God and man.
Dual Models
Magnus J. Wenninger OSB
In Dual Models, written in the same enthusiastic style as its predecessors Polyhedron Models and Spherical Models, Magnus J. Wenninger presents the complete set of uniform duals of uniform polyhedral, thus rounding out a significant body of knowledge with respect to polyhedral forms. He begins with the simplest convex solids but then goes on to show how all the more difficult, non convex, uniform polyhedral duals can be derived from a geometric theorem on duality that unifies and systematizes the entire set of such duals. Many of these complex shapes are published here for the first time. Models made by the author are shown in photographs, and these, along with line drawings, diagrams, and commentary, invite readers to undertake the task of making the models, using index cards or tag paper and glue as construction materials. The mathematics is deliberately kept at the high school or secondary level, and hence the book presumes at most some knowledge of geometry and ordinary trigonometry and the use of a scientific type small electronic calculator. The book will be useful as enrichment material for the mathematics classroom and can serve equally well as a source book of ideas for artists and designers of decorative devices or simply as a hobby book in recreational mathematics.
Early Monastic Rules : The Rules of the Fathers and the Regula Orientalis
Ivan Havener OSB, Carmela Vircillo Franklin, and J. Alcuin Francis OSB
Rule of the Holy Fathers Serapion, Macarius, Paphnutius, and another Macarius --
The Second Rule of the fathers --
The Rule of Macarius --
The Third Rule of the Fathers--
Regula orientalis. -
Jesus Present and Coming: Daily Meditations on the Advent and Christmas Masses
Emeric Anthony Lawrence OSB
The Continuing Quest for God: Monastic Spirituality in Tradition and Transition
William Skudlarek OSB
Papers presented at the Institute on the Origins and Contemporary Expressions of Monastic Spirituality sponsored by St. John's Abbey and School of Theology, Collegeville, Minn., and the Convent of St. Benedict, St. Joseph, Minn., and held at St. John's from June 22 to July 4, 1980.
From Freedom to Formula: The Evolution of the Eucharistic Prayer from Oral Improvisation to Written Texts
Allan R. Bouley OSB
From the book's Introduction:
"In any case, it seemed to be an opportune time to attempt a systematic historical study of the movement from free to formal prayer at the Eucharist during its formative centuries. That is the purpose of this book."
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