
Submissions from 2011

(Book Chapter) God, Creation, and the Environment: Feminist Theological Perspectives, Kari-Shane Davis Zimmerman


(Article) Benedict XVI and Liberation Theology: Reason, Will, and History, Daniel K. Finn

(Article) Charity and Truth in Business: Profit, Gift and Social Capital, Daniel K. Finn


(Article) Nine Libertarian Heresies that Tempt Neo-Conservative Catholics to Stray from Catholic Social Teaching, Daniel K. Finn

(Book Chapter) Power, Leadership, and the Struggle against Government Corruption, Daniel K. Finn


(Article) Living in Cyberspace: Video Games, Facebook, and the Image of God, Noreen L. Herzfeld


(Article) Evaluating Adolescent Catechesis, Jeffrey J. Kaster

(Book Chapter) The Church in the (Post)modern World, Michael Patella OSB

(Article) Reading and Singing the Church's Chant: The Basics, Anthony Ruff OSB

(Article) The Value of Unaccompanied Vernacular Chant in the Liturgy, Anthony Ruff OSB

Submissions from 2010


(Article) Second-Grade Children Speak: Artistic Expression of Sin and Forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Jennifer Beste

(Book Chapter) Ritual Eucharist Within Narrative: A Comparison of Didache 9-10 with Mark 6:31-44; 8:1-9, Charles A. Bobertz


(Article) Hooking Up: Sex, Theology, and Today's “Unhooked” Dating Practices, Kari-Shane Davis Zimmerman

(Book Chapter) In Control? The Hookup Culture and the Practice of Relationships, Kari-Shane Davis Zimmerman


(Article) The Morality of Markets: A Response to Kenneth R. Melchin, Daniel K. Finn

(Book Chapter) Theology and Sustainable Economics, Daniel K. Finn


(Article) The Promise of Interdisciplinary Engagement: Christian Ethics and Economics as a Test Case, Daniel K. Finn

(Book Chapter) Human and Artificial Intelligence: A Theological Response, Noreen L. Herzfeld

(Book Chapter) Who Are You? Christ and the Imperative of Subjectivity, Anna Mercedes


(Article) The Saint John's Bible Project: What's It Worth?, Michael Patella OSB, John Franklin, and Gilles Mongeau

(Article) Liturgy under Benedict XVI, Anthony Ruff OSB

Submissions from 2009

(Book Chapter) The Status of Children within the Roman Catholic Church, Jennifer Beste


(Article) Second-Grade Children Speak: Artistic Expressions of Sin and Forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Jennifer M. Beste


(Article) On ‘Chrism’ and ‘Anti-Christs’ in 1 John 2:18-27: A Hypothesis, Martin F. Connell

(Book Chapter) Moral Values and the Rules of International Trade, Daniel K. Finn

(Article) The Priority of Labor over Capital: Some Needed Extensions, Daniel K. Finn


(Article) "Your Cell Will Teach You Everything": Old Wisdom, Modern Science, and the Art of Attention, Noreen L. Herzfeld


(Article) "Your Cell Will Teach You Everything": Old Wisdom, Modern Science, and the Art of Attention, Noreen L. Herzfeld

(Book Review) Review of Nuns: A History of Convent Life, 1450-1700, by Silvia Evangelisti, Ephrem Hollermann OSB

(Book Chapter) ‘Effluit Nobis’: Luther and Melanchthon on the Benefits of the Cross, Anna Mercedes


(Article) Power and Presence in Care: A Christian Feminist Theological Response to Melissa Raphael, Anna Mercedes

(Book Chapter) Bound in the Spiral Dance: Spirituality and Technology in the Third Wave, Anna Mercedes and Jennifer Thweatt-Bates


(Book Review) Review of The Psalms of Lament in Mark's Passion: Jesus' Davidic Suffering, Michael Patella OSB

Submissions from 2008


(Article) Mediating God's Grace Within the Context of Trauma: Implications for a Christian Response to Clergy Sexual Abuse, Jennifer Beste


(Article) Making Christ of the Man Born Blind (John 9:1-41): A Hypothesis, Martin F. Connell

(Book Chapter) Love in Times of Empire: Theopolitics Today, Mario Costa, Catherine Keller, and Anna Mercedes

(Article) Love Stern as Death: Benedictine and Cistercian Women in North America, Ephrem Hollermann OSB

(Book Chapter) The State of Adolescent Catechesis Today, Jeffrey J. Kaster

(Book Chapter) A Christian Politics of Vulnerability, Anna Mercedes


(Article) Abraham Joshua Heschel: Witness to God in Word and Deed, John C. Merkle


(Article) Heschel’s Monotheism vis-à-vis Pantheism and Panentheism, John C. Merkle


(Article) The Music "Specially Suited to the Roman Liturgy": On the One Hand..., Anthony Ruff OSB

Submissions from 2007


(Article) Promoting Authentic Hope, Jennifer Beste


(Article) The Gift of Myrrh to a Church that Smells, Martin F. Connell


(Book Chapter) The Different Forms of Celebrating Mass, Martin F. Connell and Sharon McMillan


(Article) Roman Catholic Perspectives on Medical Futility, Margaret A. Farley and Jennifer Beste


(Article) Continuing the Dialogue on Markets and Morality, Daniel K. Finn


(Conference Proceeding) Power and Public Presence in Catholic Social Thought, the Church, and the CTSA, Daniel K. Finn


(Article) A new member of the family? The continuum of being, artificial intelligence, and the image of God, Noreen L. Herzfeld


(Article) Lessons from Srebrenica: The Danger of Religious Nationalism, Noreen L. Herzfeld


(Article) "The End of Faith?" Science and Theology as Process, Noreen L. Herzfeld

Submissions from 2006


(Article) Limits of the Appeal to Women's Experience Reconsidered, Jennifer Beste

(Article) The Limits of Poststructuralism for Feminist Theology, Jennifer Beste


(Book Chapter) Theological Education and the Diaconate, Charles A. Bobertz

(Book Chapter) Bodies Matter: A New Fad and a Fallacy in the Name of Science, Noreen L. Herzfeld


(Book Review) "Review of The Middle East under Rome", Michael Patella OSB


(Article) "The Saint John's Bible: Biblical Authority within the Illuminated Word", Michael Patella OSB

Submissions from 2005


(Article) Instilling Hope and Respecting Patient Autonomy: Reconciling Apparently Conflicting Duties, Jennifer Beste


(Article) Recovery from Sexual Violence and Socially Mediated Dimensions of God's Grace: Implications for Christian Communities, Jennifer Beste

(Book Chapter) Commentary on Centesimus Annus (On the Hundredth Anniversary of Rerum Novarum), Daniel K. Finn

(Book Chapter) Co-creator or Co-creator? The Problem with Artificial Intelligence, Noreen L. Herzfeld

(Book Chapter) More than Information: A Christian Critique of Cybernetic Humanism, Noreen L. Herzfeld


(Article) Terminator or Super Mario: Human/Computer Hybrids, Actual and Virtual, Noreen L. Herzfeld

(Book Chapter) Young Disciples: Adolescent Christian Discipleship and Faith Practices, Jeffrey J. Kaster

(Book Chapter) The God of Israel and Christian Worship, John C. Merkle

Submissions from 2004


(Book Chapter) Religious Organizations and Bodies: Christianity, Charles A. Bobertz


(Article) On the U.S. Aversion to Ritual Behavior and the Vocation of the Liturgical Theologian, Martin F. Connell

(Book Chapter) The Liturgical Year in Ancient Aquileia, Martin F. Connell


(Article) Ezekiel's Throne-Chariot Vision: Spiritualizing the Model of Divine Royal Rule, Dale Launderville OSB


(Article) Do Priests Need to Sing?, Anthony Ruff OSB

Submissions from 2003


(Article) Receiving and Responding to God's Grace: A Re-Examination in Light of Trauma Theory, Jennifer Beste


(Article) ‘Just as on Easter Sunday’: On the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, Martin F. Connell


(Article) The Foundations of Economic Personalism: Promise and Peril, Daniel K. Finn


(Article) The Moral Ecology of Markets: On the Failure of the Amoral Defense of Markets, Daniel K. Finn


(Article) Ezekiel's Cherub: A Promising Symbol or a Dangerous Idol?, Dale Launderville OSB

Submissions from 2002

(Book Chapter) A Prolegomena to a Ritual/Liturgical Reading of Mark’s Gospel, Charles A. Bobertz

(Book Chapter) The Work of Rowan A. Greer: An Appreciation, Charles A. Bobertz


(Book Review) Review of Ambrose of Milan's Method of Mystagogical Preaching, by Craig Alan Satterlee, Martin Connell


(Book Review) Review of The Dramatic Liturgy of Anglo-Saxon England, by M. Bradford Bedingfield, Martin Connell


(Book Chapter) The Origins and Evolution of Advent, Martin Connell


(Article) Attolite Portas, ‘Open Up, You Doors!’: Liturgical Narrative and Christ’s Descent, Martin F. Connell


(Article) Creating in Our Own Image: Artificial Intelligence and the Image of God, Noreen L. Herzfeld

Submissions from 2001

(Book Review) Review of Between Cross and Resurrection: A Theology of Holy Saturday, by By Alan E. Lewis, Martin Connell


(Article) Descensus Christi ad Inferos: Christ’s Descent to the Dead, Martin F. Connell

(Book Chapter) Catholic Social Thought on Property: An Urgent Need for Extension and Renewal, Daniel K. Finn

(Book Chapter) Anti-Monarchical Ideology in Israel in Light of Mesopotamian Parallels, Dale Launderville OSB

Submissions from 2000


(Book Review) Review of Reviving Sacred Speech: The Meaning of Liturgical Language. Second Thoughts on Christ in Sacred Speech, by Gail Ramshaw, Martin Connell

(Book Chapter) The Origins and Evolution of Advent in the West, Martin F. Connell


(Article) Creativity as a Problem for Moral Theology: John Locke's 99 Percent Challenge to the Catholic Doctrine of Property, Daniel K. Finn


(Article) On the Choice of Method in Economics: Options for Humanists. A Response to Gregory Gronbacher, Daniel K. Finn


(Article) On the Rationale for Third World Debt Relief, Daniel K. Finn

(Article) Translations: The Targums, Dale Launderville OSB

Submissions from 1999


(Book Review) Review of Ambrosianum Mysterium: The Church of Milan and its Liturgical Tradition, by Cesare Alzati. Trans. George Guiver, Martin Connell


(Article) Did Ambrose’s Sister Become a Virgin on December 25 or January 6? The Earliest Western Evidence for Christmas and Epiphany outside Rome, Martin F. Connell

(Book Chapter) From Easter to Pentecost, Martin F. Connell

(Article) Condiciones para un mercado justo, Daniel K. Finn


(Article) The Economic Personalism of John Paul II: Neither Right Nor Left, Daniel K. Finn

Submissions from 1998


(Book Review) Review of Calendar: Humanity's Epic Struggle to Determine a True and Accurate Year, by David Ewing Duncan, Martin Connell


(Book Review) Review of Christ in the Early Christian Hymns, by Daniel Liderbach, Martin Connell


(Book Review) Review of The Antenicene Pascha: A Rhetorical History, by By Karl Gerlach, Martin Connell