
Submissions from 2024


(Article) A Case for Hope in a Warming World, Noreen L. Herzfeld

Submissions from 2023


(Article) Is your computer lying? AI and deception, Noreen L. Herzfeld


(Book Review) Review of The Myth of Artificial Intelligence: Why Computers Can’t Think the Way We Do, by Erik J. Larson, Noreen L. Herzfeld


Dangerous Religious Ideas as Threats to Solidarity: Review of Dangerous Religious Ideas: The Deep Roots of Self-Critical Faith in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, John C. Merkle

Submissions from 2022


(Article) Anger and Hope in Rural American Liturgy, Benjamin Durheim


(Article) Can lethal autonomous weapons be just?, Noreen L. Herzfeld and Robert H. Latiff


(Article) Challenging the Idea of Divine Omnipotence: Jewish Voices and a Christian Response, John C. Merkle


Classics Revisited Review Essay: The Prophets by Abraham Joshua Heschel, John C. Merkle

Submissions from 2020


(Book Chapter) Hookups, Happiness, and Human Flourishing, Jennifer Beste

(Article) Do We Image God On-Line?: The Opportunities and Challenges for Authentic Relationships in Cyberspace, Noreen L. Herzfeld


(Blog Post) "I can't breathe": Bonhoeffer, the Bible, and the death of George Floyd, Noreen L. Herzfeld

(Article) Why Christians Can Be Enriched Through Interfaith Engagement, John C. Merkle


(Book Chapter) Cohabitation: Part of the Journey Toward Marriage?, Kari-Shane Davis Zimmerman

Submissions from 2019


(Article) Converting Consumerism: A Liturgical-Ethical Application of Critical Realism, Benjamin Durheim


(Blog Post) 2018 retrospect: person of the year, Nicholas Hayes, Anthony Cunningham, Louis D. Johnston, James H. Read, and Noreen L. Herzfeld


(Article) “Where Is Everybody?” Fermi’s Paradox, Evolution, and Sin, Noreen L. Herzfeld

Submissions from 2018

(Book Chapter) From Mark to Mark to Mark: Continuity and Discontinuity in the Narrative History of Mark’s Gospel, Charles A. Bobertz


(Article) Ecclessiology Today And Its Potential To Serve A Missionary Church, Kristin Colberg


(Blog Post) One Year Retrospective on the State of the Union, Anthony Cunningham, Nicholas Hayes, Noreen L. Herzfeld, Louis D. Johnston, and Derek R. Larson


(Blog Post) Black Friday to Cyber Monday: on climate change, computers, and our embodied selves, Noreen L. Herzfeld


(Blog Post) The sorcery of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Noreen L. Herzfeld


(Blog Post) Summer reading reviews, Noreen L. Herzfeld, Louis D. Johnston, and Nicholas Hayes

(Book Chapter) Our Lady of Guadalupe: A Feminist, Performative Interpretation, Laura Taylor

Submissions from 2017


(Article) Poverty of Spirit within Party and Hookup Culture: Undergraduates' Engagement with Johann Metz, Jennifer Beste


(Article) Almsgiving as Patronage: The Role of Patroness in Third Century North African Christianity, Charles A. Bobertz

(Book Review) Review of The Rite of Christian Initiation: Adult Rituals and Roman Catholic Ecclesiology , Kristin Colberg

(Article) Gaudium et spes Reconsidered and Re-Projected, Kristin M. Colberg


(Blog Post) Political Turmoil and Personal Refuge: Trump Presidency at 100 Days and Beyond, Nicholas Hayes, Noreen L. Herzfeld, Louis D. Johnston, James Read, Kathleen A. Cahalan, and Derek R. Larson


(Blog Post) Artifical Intelligence: An Existential Risk?, Noreen L. Herzfeld

(Book Chapter) Must We Die? Transhumanism, Religion, and the Fear of Death, Noreen L. Herzfeld

(Book Chapter) Religious Perspective on Sex with Robots, Noreen L. Herzfeld

(Book Chapter) Technology, Noreen L. Herzfeld


(Blog Post) The Balkanization of the Media, Noreen L. Herzfeld

(Encyclopedia Entry) King, Kingship Visual Arts, Michael Patella OSB


(Book Chapter) Contemporary Catholic Directions, Anthony Ruff OSB


(Book Chapter) Gregorian Chant and Polyphony, Anthony Ruff OSB


(Article) Revisiting Joseph Ratzinger’s Theological Basis of Church Music, Anthony Ruff OSB


(Paper) Transcendent Mind, Emergent Universe in the Thought of Michael Polanyi, Vincent Smiles


(Book Review) Review of Sex on Earth as It Is in Heaven: A Christian Eschatology of Desire , Kari-Shane Davis Zimmerman

Submissions from 2016


(Blog Post) Apocalypse, But Not Now, Noreen L. Herzfeld


(Blog Post) The Election: Our View from the Avon Hills, Louis D. Johnston, Nicholas Hayes, Noreen L. Herzfeld, James Read, Kathleen A. Cahalan, and Derek R. Larson

(Book Chapter) Fuel My Faith: Pedagogies of Theological Reflection in High School Theology Programs, Jeffrey J. Kaster

Submissions from 2015

(Book Chapter) Islam and Democracy in the Thought of Fazlur Rahman and Sayyid Abu’l-A‘la Mawdudi, Jon Armajani


(Article) Questions of Unity, Diversity and Authority in The Church: Towards a Common Vision. Advances and Tools for Ecumenical Dialogue, Kristin M. Colberg


(Book Chapter) Can an Organization Have a Conscience?, Daniel K. Finn

(Article) Did Rabbi Heschel Influence Pope Francis?, Harold Kasimow and John C. Merkle


(Article) The Threat of Syncretism to Ezekiel's Exilic Audience in the Dry Bones Passage, Dale Launderville OSB


(Article) And God Created Laughter: The Eighth Day, Michael Patella OSB


(Book Review) "Review of L’ultimo nemico diDio: Il ruolo delTAnticristo nel cristianismo antico e tardoantico", Michael Patella OSB


(Article) English Office Hymns after Liturgiam authenticam, Anthony Ruff OSB

Submissions from 2014


(Article) "That by His Passion He Might Purify the Water”: Ignatius of Antioch and the Beginning of Mark’s Gospel, Charles A. Bobertz


(Article) The Omnipresence of Grace: Revisiting the Relationship between Ad Gentes and Nostra Aetate 50 Years Later, Kristin M. Colberg


(Article) On Liturgy and Lectionary: The Word of Life in the Body of Christ, Martin Connell

(Article) Confronting Ubiquitous Corruption, Daniel K. Finn

(Article) Justice in Markets: What Is Required?, Daniel K. Finn


(Article) Philosophy, Not Theology, Is the Key for Economics: A Catholic Perspective, Daniel K. Finn

(Book Chapter) Tanto el don como el contrato: Un marco para relacionar la caridad y la justicia en el mercado, Daniel K. Finn


(Article) Interfaith Affinity: The shared vision of Rabbi Heschel and Pope Francis, Harold Kasimow and John C. Merkle


(Article) Lost and Found: Catechesis on the Care of Creation, Jeffrey J. Kaster and Craig Gould

(Book Chapter) Translating Biblical Texts Within an Ecclesial Context, Dale Launderville OSB


(Article) Christ as Chrism, Christ Given Away, Anna Mercedes

(Book Chapter) Looking into the Bible, Michael Patella OSB


(Book Review) "Review of Mark", Michael Patella OSB

(Article) Could the Church's Understanding of the Primacy of Gregorian Chant Ever Change?, Anthony Ruff OSB

Submissions from 2013


(Conference Proceeding) 'Our Opinion Is in Accordance with the Eucharist': Irenaeus and the Sitz im Leben of Mark's Gospel, Charles A. Bobertz

(Book Chapter) Walter Kasper on Translating the Message of Christian Hope Today, Kristin M. Colberg


(Article) The Date of Easter and Shakespeare’s ‘Progress of the Stars’: Creed and Chronometry in the Sixteenth Century, Martin Connell


(Article) Toward a Theology of Infertility and the Role of Donum Vitae, Kathryn Lilla Cox

(Book Chapter) Marriage Prep and Double Standards: The Hookup Culture's Damaging Effects, Kari-Shane Davis Zimmerman


(Article) Record of a Journey: Mother Benedicta Riepp and Companions Travel to North America: Part I, Helen Herbstritt and Ephrem Hollermann OSB


(Article) Record of a Journey: Mother Benedicta Riepp and Companions Travel to North America: Part II, Helen Herbstritt and Ephrem Hollermann OSB

(Book Chapter) 'Misogyny' in Service of Theocentricity: Legitimate or Not?, Dale Launderville OSB

(Book Chapter) Why Pray the Psalms?, Dale Launderville OSB

(Article) After Vatican II: Are We All Protestants Now? Or Are We All Catholics Now?, Anthony Ruff OSB


(Book Chapter) Musicam Sacram: On Music in the Liturgy [1967]: Overview, Anthony Ruff OSB


(Book Chapter) Tra le sollecitudini: On Sacred Music [1903]: Overview, Anthony Ruff OSB

Submissions from 2012

(Book Chapter) Second Graders' Spirituality in the Context of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Jennifer Beste


(Book Chapter) The Biblical Basis for Understanding Lay Ecclesial Ministry: A Consideration of Spiritual Gifts and the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12-14), Charles A. Bobertz


(Article) Continuity and/or Discontinuity at Vatican II? Examining the Council in the Context of the ‘Long Nineteenth Century’, Kristin M. Colberg


(Article) Centeimus Annus Twenty Years Later, Kari-Shane Davis Zimmerman


(Article) Neither Social Revolution nor Utopian Ideal: A Fresh Look at Luke's Community of Goods Practice for Christian Economic Reflection in Acts 4:32-35, Kari-Shane Davis Zimmerman

(Book Chapter) Catholic Social Thought as an Empirical Claim, Daniel K. Finn


(Article) Human Work in Catholic Social Thought, Daniel K. Finn


(Article) Locating Business Ethics within Catholic Social Thought, Daniel K. Finn


(Article) Private Property, Self-Regulation, and Just Price: A Response to Philip Booth and Samuel Gregg, Daniel K. Finn

(Book Chapter) Between Cyberspace and the New Alchemy, Noreen L. Herzfeld


(Book Chapter) Human-directed Evolution: A Christian Perspective, Noreen L. Herzfeld


(Book Chapter) In Whose Image? Artificial Intelligence and the Imago Dei, Noreen L. Herzfeld

(Book Chapter) Doing Theology Together to Advance Excellence in Lay Ecclesial Ministry, Jeffrey J. Kaster

(Article) Jeremiah and Ezekiel: Prophets Who Are Priests Without a Sanctuary, Dale Launderville OSB


(Article) Resurrection: Love Conquers Death, Dale Launderville OSB


(Article) What is the Future of the Liturgy?, Anthony Ruff OSB


(Presentation) The Liberal Arts, Vincent M. Smiles


(Presentation) What is Life and How Do We Know It? Theological Possibilities in Michael Polanyi's Epistemology, Vincent M. Smiles

Submissions from 2011

(Book Chapter) Catholic Children's Experiences of Scripture and the Sacrament of Reconciliation through Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Jennifer Beste


(Article) Children Speak: Catholic Second Graders' Agency and Experiences in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Jennifer Beste


(Article) The Hermeneutics of Vatican II: Reception, Authority, and the Debate Over the Council's Interpretation, Kristin M. Colberg


(Article) Clothing the Body of Christ: An Inquiry about the Letters of Paul, Martin Connell


(Article) A Clouded View: How Language Shapes Moral Perception, Kathryn Lilla Cox

(Book Chapter) Green Solidarity: Liberation Theology, the Ecological Crisis, and the Poor, Kathryn Lilla Cox