School of Theology and Seminary Faculty Publications
Questions of Unity, Diversity and Authority in The Church: Towards a Common Vision. Advances and Tools for Ecumenical Dialogue
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Arts and Humanities | Christianity | Religion
This essay examines the treatment of unity, diversity and authority and their interrelation in the World Council of Churches’ document The Church: Towards a Common Vision. It exposits the ways in which the document serves as both the product of significant ecumenical work and a tool for further ecumenical growth. The essay identifies episkopé as a creative avenue that some dialogue teams are pursuing as way to leverage the insights of this document.
Recommended Citation
Colberg, Kristin. "Questions of Unity, Diversity and Authority in The Church: Towards a Common Vision. Advances and Tools for Ecumenical Dialogue." One in Christ 49, no. 2 (July 2015): 204-218.