"‘Effluit Nobis’: Luther and Melanchthon on the Benefits of the Cross" by Anna Mercedes

Theology Faculty Publications

‘Effluit Nobis’: Luther and Melanchthon on the Benefits of the Cross

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



Arts and Humanities | Religion | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion


Book description: In a conversation at the Graduate Theological Union one afternoon, Ted Peters wondered aloud where the next generation of American Lutheran theologians might be found. When one surveys the “greats” of the late 20th Century--Carl Braaten, Robert Jenson, Jaroslav Pelikan, George Lindbeck, Martin Marty, Ted Peters, Tim Lull, Gerhard Forde, Timothy Wengert, Arthur Carl Piepkorn, (add your own favorite white male theologian here)--one does get the sense that this generation of American Lutheran theologians cannot last forever. Several of this generation have passed away, and retirement looms for the rest. Who will rise to take the lead of our church’s theology as we enter full force into the 21st Century? This volume, and the “Emerging Voices” series in which this is the first installment, begins to answer that question.
