"The Barbarians Did It Right: The Mozarabic Rites of Initiation" by Sean Cronan OSB

School of Theology and Seminary Graduate Papers/Theses

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Date of Award


Document Type

Graduate Paper

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Liturgical Studies


School of Theology and Seminary

First Advisor

Martin Connell

Subject Categories

Christianity | Liturgy and Worship


The intent of this paper is to show how the Mozarabic rite preserved the ancient order of the rites of initiation long after the rest of the Western church had abandoned it. Itwill be demonstrated that the particular circumstances of geography, history, and theology served to maintain the earliest practices of initiation. The import of maintaining this tradition can be seen in today's return to the ancient order in the adult rites of initiation. Further, by abandoning the ancient order, a new theology of those sacraments is implied, a theology that can be seen as weaker and contradictory to what the ancient church taught.


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