Volume 14, Issue 1 (2021)
A sincere and warm welcome to this student journal. If you have not engaged Obsculta in the past, we are glad to know you are joining us. We pray that you find the works herein invigorating, thought provoking, and enriching. For those readers who have encountered previous Obsculta editions, welcome back. With Christ’s help, may this little text serve as an introduction to the voices in our community and to the work to which we commit ourselves daily. The Obsculta journal cannot circumscribe our community; nevertheless, it aims to lift up our voices with charity and fruitful dialogue. This year—the Year of Saint Joseph—our contributors bring forward many creative expressions of language. Our text captures the signs of the times—in particular, the COVID-19 pandemic and renewed cries for racial and social justice following the death of George Floyd—through mindful reflections and thoughtful theological discourse. We are grateful to our contributors for all that they have shared with our community. We have found it truly enriching to read your works. Our hope, dear reader, is that having listened with the ear of our heart, we may all set out for loftier summits of teaching and virtue. May we reach them under God’s protection. Sincerely, The Obsculta editorial teamArticle
Contributor Bios
Obsculta Editors
Obedience: The "Year of St. Joseph"
Cindy Gonzalez
Reflections on a Pandemic
Leah Wakefield
On Cannon Law
Anisabel Palma
Real Presence Imaged in Friendship
James Voeller FBP
Christ, Be Our Light: An Epiphany Encounter
Marie T. Racine OSB
Petrine Ministry in the Catholic Church
John Toan Phan
Traveling Together to Ward Off Fear: Lenten Reflections During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Laura Suhr OSB
In Defense of Doubt(ing Thomas)
Meghan Stretar
Christianity and Fear: The Neuropsychological Processes Involved in the Relationship Between Fear and Religion
Courtney Welch-Horstman
Right Seeing: Means and End in Patristic Monastic Lives
Jason Horstman
Homiletical Exegesis on John 21:15-19
Toni Marie Nichols
On Revelation, Faith, and Justice
Joseph Penny

Editorial Team
- Editor
- Courtney (Welch) Horstman
- Editor
- Jason Horstman
- Editor
- Janice Kristanti
- Editor
- Meghan Stretar
- Editor
- Leah Wakefield
- Faculty Advisor
- Shawn Colberg
- Staff Advisor
- Donelle Poling
- Staff Librarian
- David Wuolu
A special thank you to our faculty and staff advisors: