Obsculta: Saint John's University School of Theology · Seminary, Collegeville, MN | Journals | College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University

Obsculta means "listen," the first word of the Rule of Saint Benedict. Obsculta is an avenue for students to publish and share their projects and papers, making available the theology that they are studying, embracing, creating, and living.

Current Issue: Volume 17, Issue 1 (2024)

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

We, the board of editors, extend a sincere welcome to this seventeenth volume of Obsculta: A Student Journal of Theology. We pray that you find the works herein invigorating, thought provoking, and enriching. By God’s grace, may this text serve as an introduction to the voices in our community and the work to which we commit ourselves daily. While it cannot fully encompass our diverse community, nevertheless, it aims to lift up, in charity and fruitful dialogue, the voices of students, faculty, and alumni.

Theology is the science of God and all things inasmuch as they relate to God and our students have explored that field with great variety, as this year they have explored such diverse topics as: monastic theology, ecclesiology and synodality, liturgy and worship, the role of children in the church, the problem of suffering and our response in hope, contemporary issues in gender and sexuality, homiletic exhortations to discipleship and prayer, various exegeses of Scripture, questions of ethics, theological themes in poetry and photography, and much more!

Our hope, dear reader, is that, having listened carefully to the words of the Teacher and inclining the ear of our heart, we may all set out for loftier summits of teaching and virtue. May we reach them under God’s protection.

in omnibus glorificetur Deus.


the Obsculta editorial team



Photo Series: Creation
Jacqueline Leiter OSB


Unha vez tiven un cravo (Once I had a Nail)
Roslie de Castro and Scott Cooper


Photo Series: Sorrow
Jacqueline Leiter OSB


Photo Series: Tree
Jacqueline Leiter OSB


Photo Series: True North
Jacqueline Leiter OSB


Conscience in the Catholic Church
Hang Geum Augustine OSB


Photo Series: Incarnation
Jacqueline Leiter OSB


The Importance of Luke 3
Patrick Russell


The Art of Silence in Waiting
Melissa Tovar-Guerrero


Triduum Photography
Jacqueline Leiter OSB


Considering Hope
Rachel Henry

Obsculta Cover Image 2024

Editorial Board

Drew Banacos

Kelly Olson

Kristyn Demers

Patrick Russell

Emily Heidick

Travis Spillum, OSB

Rachel Henry

Henry O. Widdicombe

Anthony R. Kovacs