DNP Projects

Date of Award


Document Type

Graduate Paper

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



First Advisor

Carie Braun

Subject Categories

Maternal, Child Health and Neonatal Nursing | Nursing


Late preterm births are increasing each year due to increasing rates of IVF, multiple births, and advancing maternal age (Visruthan et al., 2015). This group has been traditionally cared for in the NICU, but facilities may consider transitioning this care to the level 1 nursery due to the relative physiologic stability of this population (Visruthan et al., 2015). The transition, without appropriate planning, creates a potential for inconsistencies in caring for the diverse needs of 35.0-35.6 week late preterm infants (LPIs), including variations in education provided to parents and care of the LPI (Visruthan et al., 2015). This project aimed to analyze the current practice gap with this population of late preterm births with the transition to level 1 nursery care compared to the NICU and make recommendations for best practice. A pre-survey of knowledge and confidence was provided to 11 postpartum nurses who currently care for infants 36.0 weeks and above. The sample then watched an educational intervention regarding needs of 35.0-35.6 week LPIs, and then completed a post-survey. Knowledge and confidence scores were improved from the pre- to post-survey (x̄=6.5 pre and 8.4 post; p=0.001) and nurses reported greater comfort in caring for LPI’s in their level 1 nursery after the intervention. With appropriate education, nurses became more knowledgeable and confident, thereby improving the safe transition to caring for LPI’s in a level 1 nursery.

DNP Project Poster Presentation.pdf (178 kB)
Project Poster
