DNP Projects

Date of Award


Document Type

Graduate Paper

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



First Advisor

Carrie Hoover

Subject Categories

Nursing | Public Health and Community Nursing


Ethnic and racial minorities are at higher risk for many health conditions including coronary artery disease and stroke (Mital et al., 2021). The Hispanic population specifically faces more risk factors, less knowledge of stroke symptoms, and higher probability of death and disability post stroke (Eisenstein et al., 2018). Unless this gap is addressed, ethnic and racial minority patients will continue to experience higher rates of death and disability from stroke, compared to non-Hispanic White patients. Therefore, the purpose of this project was to provide clinic-based stroke education in Spanish to Hispanic community members. The goal was to increase awareness of stroke risk factors and symptoms, and to promote prevention and early detection through a pre and post-survey design with an educational component using the Stroke Knowledge Assessment Tool (SKAT). Data from the 12 participants were analyzed using paired t-tests for dependent samples. The results of the study concluded that there was an increase in stroke awareness and knowledge of symptoms, causes, and response to stroke and supported the education around stroke prevention and detection in at-risk communities.

Karina Barabash DNP poster.pdf (587 kB)
Project Poster
