Academic Affairs Publications | Administration | College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University

Academic Affairs Publications



Submissions from 2022


(Report) Report of Faculty and Academic Affairs Staff Responses to IEJ FFPP Survey on Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Corrie Grosse, Elisheva Perelman, Christi Siver, Sucharita Sinha Mukherjee, Annette Raigoza, and Pamela L. Bacon

Submissions from 2020


(Report) Report of the Dean’s Task Force on Teaching and Learning Centers, Terence Check, Karlyn Forner, Kim Adams, Pamela L. Bacon, Carie Braun, Kingshuk Mukherjee, Kathleen Parker, and Laura Taylor

Submissions from 2019


(Article) Advising and Mentoring at CSB/SJU: An In-Depth Review and Recommendations, Emily Esch, Jason Kelly, and Lindsey Gunnerson

Submissions from 2018


(Report) Integrations Curriculum: Engaged Learning in the Liberal Arts & Sciences, College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University

Submissions from 2017


(Report) LEARNING AND SEX: A Report on the Analysis of Single Sex Sections of First Year Seminars at CSB/SJU, 2014-15, Patricia Bolaños-Fabres and Sucharita Sinha Mukherjee


(Report) Foundations of Excellence First -Year Student Final Report and Recommendations 2017, College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University


(Report) College of Saint Benedict/Saint John’s University HLC Quality Initiative Summary Report, Kathryn A. E. Enke and Shane Miller


(Report) Transgender Policy and Practice Development for the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University, Mary Geller and Doug Mullin OSB


(Report) Exploring Men’s Motivations for Studying, and not Studying, Abroad, Shane Miller

Submissions from 2016


(Report) Sexual Misconduct Discourses within a Gendered Campus Environment, Kathryn A. E. Enke

Submissions from 2015


(Report) Making Connections: Transforming General Education at the College of St. Benedict and St. John's University, College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University