DigitalCommons@CSB/SJU - Association of Benedictine Colleges and Universities Conference: Benedictine Leadership in Higher Education: Strengthening our Communities and Accomplishing our Goals

Benedictine Leadership in Higher Education: Strengthening our Communities and Accomplishing our Goals

Presenter Information

Marcus Long, Mount Marty College

Document Type

Concurrent Session


Quad 264

Start Date

6-2-2017 10:00 AM

End Date

6-2-2017 11:15 AM


The Rule of Benedict as served as an organizational management guide for 1500 years, but how do administrators and faculty use it to make decisions, improve culture and achieve goals on campuses today? A variety of case studies, personal experiences and practical tips will be included.

Streaming Media


Jun 2nd, 10:00 AM Jun 2nd, 11:15 AM

Benedictine Leadership in Higher Education: Strengthening our Communities and Accomplishing our Goals

Quad 264

The Rule of Benedict as served as an organizational management guide for 1500 years, but how do administrators and faculty use it to make decisions, improve culture and achieve goals on campuses today? A variety of case studies, personal experiences and practical tips will be included.