Charism as Inspiration for Mission and Vision
Document Type
Concurrent Session
Quad 170
Start Date
6-2-2017 10:00 AM
End Date
6-2-2017 11:15 AM
Catholic Benedictine Colleges and Universities must draw their mission and vision from the charism received by St. Benedict over 1500 years ago and subsequently from the OSB Sponsors. This presentation will challenge participants to see that, regardless of their role, all have a leadership role in seeing that the mission and vision are faithful to the charism.
Streaming Media
Charism as Inspiration for Mission and Vision
Quad 170
Catholic Benedictine Colleges and Universities must draw their mission and vision from the charism received by St. Benedict over 1500 years ago and subsequently from the OSB Sponsors. This presentation will challenge participants to see that, regardless of their role, all have a leadership role in seeing that the mission and vision are faithful to the charism.