School of Theology and Seminary Graduate Papers/Theses
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Date of Award
Document Type
Graduate Paper
Degree Name
Master of Arts in Systematic Theology
School of Theology and Seminary
First Advisor
Patricia Forster, OSF
Subject Categories
Christianity | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion
The National Catholic Conference of Bishops has in recent years acknowledged an important Hispanic presence in the U.S. They speak of a pastoral de conjunto, a model of collaborative ministry alive in Hispanic culture. This the Bishops say is an integral hope to the Church in the u.s. Hispanic theologian Roberto S. Goizueta attempts to devise from Hispanic experience in the U.S. a viable theological position, a Teologia de Conjunto, that will provide an underpinning for this new pastoral situation. His effort is explored in terms of his understanding of cultural specificity and the idea of a uniquely Hispanic experience.
Recommended Citation
Brenneman, Mark E., "Toward a Teologia de Conjunto: Robert S. Goizueta and the Theological Retrieval of Hispanic Experience" (1996). School of Theology and Seminary Graduate Papers/Theses. 827.
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