"Complicating the Poor Widow’s Gift: Exegesis on Mk. 12:41-44" by Timothy Traynor

School of Theology and Seminary Graduate Papers/Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Graduate Paper

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Theology


School of Theology and Seminary

First Advisor

Charles A. Bobertz

Subject Categories

Biblical Studies


The dominant understanding of the story of the widow’s offering was thought to be as praise and encouragement for generous giving for much of the history of its interpretation, but was completely reversed and called into question by A.G. Wright’s 1982 study. Attempts to reclaim the widow as a model for piety and methods of contemporary biblical scholarship have added significantly to the subsequent dialogue with Wright making the widow’s offering an interesting narrative reflection on the early Christian community and a lens to look at women’s contributions to the ancient church.



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