DNP Projects

Date of Award


Document Type

Graduate Paper

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



First Advisor

Jennifer Peterson

Subject Categories

Higher Education | Medical Education | Nursing


Peer mentorship has proven benefits for undergraduate nursing students, such as improving a sense of belonging and teamwork, improving relationships, helping foster student-directed learning, improving leadership skills, and providing another layer of support for students (Andersen & Watkins, 2018). Because of these notable benefits, this project aimed to extend the work of these researchers to create a sustainable peer mentorship program at one Midwestern nursing program to decrease perceived levels of stress, increase collaboration, and improve students’ overall well-being. Participants (n=58) were recruited from the undergraduate nursing program and consent was obtained. The intervention included a month-by-month toolkit for mentors and mentees as well as facilitated connections with all mentee/mentor pairs every month to check their progress. Results revealed the program significantly improved inclusivity and a sense of belonging among participants. No statistically significant changes were noted in perceived levels of stress or collaboration. Overall, the project supported positive change in both the mentors’ and mentees’ experience throughout the school year and proved that peer mentorship is beneficial when implemented at the undergraduate nursing level.
