Literary Arts Institute Lectures

Craft Talk: Nicole Walker

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Literary Arts Institute


Nicole Walker is the author of Processed Meats: Essays on Food, Flesh and Navigating Disaster from Torrey House Press, The After-Normal: Brief, Alphabetical Essays on a Changing Planet from Rose Metal Press and Sustainability: A Love Story from Mad Creek Books/OSU Press. Her previous nonfiction includes Where the Tiny Things Are, Egg, Micrograms, and Quench Your Thirst with Salt. Barrow Street Press published her poetry collection, This Noisy Egg. She edited for Bloomsbury the essay collections Science of Story with Sean Prentiss and with Margot Singer, Bending Genre: Essays on Creative Nonfiction. She has written several essays for The New York Times and is a noted author in several editions of Best American Essays. She edits the Crux series at University of Georgia press and nonfiction at Diagram and teaches creative writing at Northern Arizona University.

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