Honors Theses, 1963-2015
Document Type
Publication Date
Political Science | Social and Behavioral Sciences
Christi Siver, Political Science
International institutions allow for increased connections between states. The number of a specific type of institution, supranational, has been on the rise and these institutions are taking on more powers once held by states. This study seeks to explain the motivating factors behind states’ decisions to join supranational institutions. In order to do this, I will focus on two states’ decisions to join the European Union, Austria and Poland. Perception of economic benefits, desire to join a common identity, and the desire to join security alliances will be analyzed as explanatory variables for the states’ decision.
Recommended Citation
Tillman, Kathrine (Katie), "Why States Seek Membership in Supranational Institutions" (2015). Honors Theses, 1963-2015. 76.